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Yeast Infections in Dogs: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Yeast Infections in Dogs: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Photo of Nick Peplow

Written by Nick Peplow

dog yeast infection

Is your dog constantly scratching, shaking its head, or giving off a strange smell? These could be signs of a yeast infection.

Yeast infections in dogs are common but can be very uncomfortable for your pet. They can affect different parts of the body, like the ears, paws, and skin folds. Knowing the symptoms, causes, and treatments can help you keep your dog healthy and happy.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about yeast infections in dogs, from spotting the signs to preventing future problems. Let’s dive in and learn how to keep your dog comfortable and free from yeast infections.

Signs of Yeast Infection in Dogs

The signs of a yeast infection in dogs include excessive itching, redness, and an unusual musty odor, particularly in areas like the ears, paws, and skin folds. Your dog may also display symptoms such as shaking its head or licking the affected areas. Early detection through these symptoms is crucial for effective treatment and preventing further complications.

Identifying Symptoms

Yeast infections in dogs can be uncomfortable and irritating for your pet. Knowing what to look for can help you catch and treat the infection early. Here are some common symptoms:

Itching and Scratching

One of the first signs of a yeast infection is excessive itching and scratching. Your dog may seem more irritated than usual and might constantly try to scratch at the affected areas. This can lead to broken skin and secondary infections if not addressed promptly.

Redness and Inflammation

You might notice redness and inflammation on your dog’s skin, especially in the areas where they are scratching. These areas can become sensitive and sore to the touch, causing your dog considerable discomfort. The skin might also become thicker and more leathery over time.

Unusual Odor

A yeast infection often produces a distinct, unpleasant odor. This smell is usually described as musty or cheesy and can be quite strong. If your dog starts to smell unusual, it could be a sign that something is wrong, particularly if the smell is concentrated in specific areas like the ears or paws.

Max’s Itchy Ears

Max, a four-year-old Golden Retriever, started scratching his ears constantly. His owner noticed a strong, unpleasant smell coming from his ears. After a visit to the vet, Max was diagnosed with a yeast infection. The vet prescribed an antifungal ear drop, and within a week, Max’s symptoms improved significantly. This case highlights the importance of early detection and treatment.

Commonly Affected Areas

Yeast infections can occur in several parts of your dog’s body. Here are the most commonly affected areas:


The ears are a frequent site for yeast infections. You might notice your dog shaking its head or scratching its ears persistently. Inside the ear, you may see redness, swelling, and a dark discharge that can be brown or black in color. The ears may also have a strong, unpleasant odor.


Yeast can also affect your dog’s paws, causing them to lick or chew their feet excessively. Look for redness between the toes and a foul smell. The paws might be swollen, and you might see a brownish discoloration on the fur around the paws due to constant licking.

Skin Folds

Dogs with skin folds, like Bulldogs and Shar-Peis, are prone to yeast infections in these areas. Moisture can get trapped in the folds, creating a perfect environment for yeast to grow. You might see redness, inflammation, and a foul smell coming from these areas. The skin may also feel greasy or sticky to the touch.

Genital Areas

Yeast infections can also occur around the genital areas, causing itching and irritation. You might see your dog licking or scratching at these areas more than usual. The skin around the genital areas might be red, swollen, and have a noticeable odor. In severe cases, there might be discharge or sores.

Root Causes of Yeast Infections in Dogs

Yeast infections in dogs are commonly caused by an overgrowth of the yeast species Malassezia pachydermatis. The root causes of this overgrowth can be attributed to several factors:

Connection Between Hormonal Imbalances and Yeast Overgrowth

Thyroid Issues

Hormonal imbalances, such as those caused by thyroid issues, can lead to yeast infections. Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland is underactive, can cause skin problems and a weakened immune system, making it easier for yeast to thrive. Dogs with thyroid issues may require medication to manage their condition and reduce the risk of yeast infections.

Cushing’s Disease

Cushing’s disease, which involves an overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands, can also contribute to yeast infections. Excess cortisol can suppress the immune system and lead to skin problems, including yeast overgrowth. Managing Cushing’s disease with the help of a veterinarian can help control these symptoms and prevent infections.

Underlying Health Conditions


Allergies, whether to food, environmental factors, or other substances, can lead to yeast infections. Allergies can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin, creating an environment where yeast can thrive. Identifying and managing your dog’s allergies can help reduce the risk of yeast infections.

Immune System Weakness

A weakened immune system can make it difficult for your dog to fight off infections, including those caused by yeast. Immune system issues can be caused by various factors, including illness, stress, and poor nutrition. Ensuring your dog has a strong immune system through proper diet, regular exercise, and veterinary care is crucial for preventing infections.

Environmental Factors (e.g., humidity)

Environmental factors like humidity can also play a role in the development of yeast infections. Yeast thrives in warm, moist environments, so dogs living in humid climates or those who spend a lot of time in the water may be more prone to these infections. Keeping your dog’s living area clean and dry, and ensuring they are thoroughly dried off after baths or swimming, can help prevent yeast overgrowth.

Impact of Antibiotics and Diet

Overuse of Antibiotics

Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat bacterial infections, but their overuse can lead to unintended consequences. Antibiotics kill not only harmful bacteria but also the beneficial bacteria that help keep yeast in check. When these good bacteria are wiped out, yeast can multiply unchecked, leading to an infection. It’s important to use antibiotics only when necessary and under the guidance of a veterinarian.

High-Carb Diets

Diets high in carbohydrates can contribute to yeast overgrowth. Carbohydrates break down into sugars, which can feed yeast and promote its growth. Many commercial dog foods contain high levels of carbs, which can upset the natural balance of microorganisms in your dog’s body. Feeding your dog a balanced diet with appropriate levels of protein, fat, and fiber can help maintain this balance and reduce the risk of yeast infections.

Diagnosing Yeast Infections in Dogs

Proper diagnosis of yeast infections in dogs is crucial for effective treatment. Veterinarians use a combination of physical examinations and laboratory tests to confirm the presence of a yeast infection and identify its underlying causes.

Vet Examination Procedures

Physical Examination

The first step in diagnosing a yeast infection is a thorough physical examination. During this exam, the veterinarian will look for signs of yeast overgrowth, such as redness, inflammation, and unusual odors. They will check areas that are commonly affected by yeast infections, including the ears, paws, skin folds, and genital areas. The vet will also note any other abnormalities or signs of discomfort that your dog may be displaying.

Discussion of Symptoms and History

A detailed discussion of your dog’s symptoms and medical history is an important part of the diagnostic process. The veterinarian will ask about your dog’s recent behaviors, changes in diet, exposure to antibiotics, and any other health issues. Providing accurate and comprehensive information can help the vet identify potential triggers and contributing factors to the yeast infection.

Sample Testing and Lab Analysis

To confirm a yeast infection and determine its severity, the veterinarian may take samples from the affected areas and send them for lab analysis. The following tests are commonly used:

Skin Scrapings

Skin scrapings involve using a small blade to gently scrape the surface of the skin, collecting cells and microorganisms for examination. This test helps identify the presence of yeast, as well as other potential skin issues like bacterial infections or parasites.

Ear Swabs

If the ears are affected, the vet will use a cotton swab to collect a sample from inside the ear canal. The sample is then examined under a microscope to check for yeast cells, bacteria, and other signs of infection. Ear swabs can help pinpoint the exact cause of the symptoms and guide appropriate treatment.

Blood Tests

In some cases, blood tests may be necessary to diagnose underlying conditions that contribute to yeast infections, such as hormonal imbalances or immune system issues. Blood tests can provide valuable information about your dog’s overall health and help the veterinarian develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Bella’s Skin Scraping

Bella, a two-year-old French Bulldog, developed red, inflamed skin on her belly. Her owner took her to the vet, who performed a skin scraping to check for yeast. The test confirmed a yeast infection, and Bella was treated with a topical antifungal cream. This example shows how diagnostic tests can accurately identify yeast infections and guide effective treatment.

Effective Treatment Options for Yeast Infections in Dogs

Treating yeast infections in dogs involves a combination of immediate relief measures and long-term strategies to prevent recurrence. Here are the most effective treatment options:

Topical Treatments for Immediate Relief

Topical treatments are often the first line of defense against yeast infections. They can provide quick relief from itching and irritation and help reduce the yeast population on your dog’s skin.

Medicated Shampoos

Medicated shampoos designed to combat yeast infections contain active ingredients like chlorhexidine, ketoconazole, or miconazole. These shampoos help to cleanse the skin, reduce inflammation, and kill yeast cells. It’s important to follow the vet’s instructions on how often to bathe your dog with these shampoos and to ensure the shampoo is left on the skin for the recommended amount of time before rinsing.

Anti-fungal Creams and Sprays

Anti-fungal creams and sprays can be applied directly to affected areas to target yeast infections. These topical treatments often contain similar active ingredients to medicated shampoos and can be used in conjunction with them. They help soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and eliminate yeast cells. Follow your vet’s instructions on how often and how much to apply.

Charlie’s Foot Bath

Charlie, a seven-year-old Beagle, had recurrent yeast infections on his paws. His vet recommended regular foot baths with a medicated solution to reduce yeast buildup. After consistent treatment, Charlie’s paw infections decreased significantly. This case illustrates how regular treatment and preventive measures can help manage chronic yeast infections.

Oral Medications: When Are They Necessary?

In more severe cases, topical treatments may not be sufficient, and oral medications might be required to effectively treat yeast infections.

Anti-fungal Tablets

Anti-fungal tablets, such as fluconazole, itraconazole, or ketoconazole, are often prescribed when topical treatments alone are not enough. These medications work from the inside out to eliminate yeast infections. It’s important to administer these drugs exactly as prescribed by your veterinarian.

Duration and Side Effects

The duration of oral anti-fungal treatment can vary depending on the severity of the infection. Treatment might last a few weeks to several months. Possible side effects include gastrointestinal upset, liver enzyme changes, and interactions with other medications. Regular monitoring by your veterinarian is essential to ensure the treatment is effective and safe for your dog.

Importance of Diet and Supplements

Diet and supplements play a crucial role in managing and preventing yeast infections by supporting your dog’s overall health and immune system.

Anti-Yeast Diets

An anti-yeast diet typically involves reducing or eliminating high-carb foods that can feed yeast. Instead, focus on a balanced diet rich in proteins and healthy fats. Commercial anti-yeast dog foods are available, or you can work with your veterinarian to create a home-cooked diet plan.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which can keep yeast in check. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria into your dog’s system, while prebiotics provide food for these good bacteria. Supplements or probiotic-rich foods can be added to your dog’s diet to support their digestive and immune health. You may wish to consider supplementing your dogs diet with a Probiotic Chew Supplement

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, can help reduce inflammation and support skin health. Adding omega-3 supplements to your dog’s diet can improve their skin condition and help prevent yeast overgrowth.

Advancements in Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary medicine continues to advance, offering new and improved options for treating yeast infections in dogs.

New Medications

Newer anti-fungal medications with fewer side effects and improved efficacy are constantly being developed. Your veterinarian can inform you about the latest options that might be suitable for your dog’s condition.

Innovative Treatment Approaches

Innovative approaches, such as immunotherapy and personalized medicine, are emerging as effective ways to manage chronic yeast infections. These methods involve tailoring treatments to your dog’s specific needs and conditions.

Alternative Therapies (e.g., herbal treatments)

Some pet owners explore alternativ-e-archive therapies, such as herbal treatments, to manage yeast infections. Natural remedies like coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and certain essential oils have anti-fungal properties and can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Always consult your veterinarian before trying alternativ-e-archive treatments to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog.

Preventing Yeast Infections in Dogs

Prevention is key when it comes to managing yeast infections in dogs. By taking proactive steps, you can help keep your dog healthy and reduce the risk of infections.

Importance of Regular Grooming

Regular grooming is essential to maintaining your dog’s overall health and preventing yeast infections. Here’s how to keep your dog clean and healthy:

Bathing Frequency

Bathing your dog regularly helps remove dirt, debris, and excess oils that can create an environment conducive to yeast growth. However, it’s important not to over-bathe, as this can strip the skin of natural oils and cause dryness. Aim to bathe your dog every 4-6 weeks, or as recommended by your vet, using a gentle, dog-specific shampoo.

Ear Cleaning

Regular ear cleaning is crucial, especially for dogs prone to ear infections. Use a vet-approved ear cleaner and gently wipe the inside of your dog’s ears with a cotton ball or soft cloth. Avoid using cotton swabs, as they can push debris further into the ear canal. Regular ear checks and cleanings can help prevent yeast from building up in this sensitive area.

Paw Care

Yeast infections commonly affect a dog’s paws, particularly between the toes. Keep your dog’s paws clean and dry, especially after walks or outdoor play. Regularly check for signs of redness, swelling, or unusual odors. If your dog is prone to paw infections, consider using wipes or sprays specifically designed to keep paws clean and free of yeast.

Optimal Nutrition and Probiotics

A healthy diet and the right supplements can strengthen your dog’s immune system and help prevent yeast infections.

Balanced Diet

Feed your dog a balanced diet that includes high-quality proteins, healthy fats, and a limited amount of carbohydrates. Avoid foods high in sugar and simple carbs, which can feed yeast. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your dog’s specific needs.

Regular Supplementation

Supplements like probiotics, prebiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids can support your dog’s health and help prevent yeast overgrowth. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria that keep yeast in check, while omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and support skin health. Adding these supplements to your dog’s diet can be an effective preventative measure.

Regular Vet Check-Ups and Early Detection

Regular veterinary check-ups are vital for early detection and prevention of yeast infections.

Frequency of Vet Visits

Schedule regular vet visits, ideally every six months, to ensure your dog’s overall health. Regular check-ups allow your vet to detect early signs of yeast infections and other health issues before they become severe.

Monitoring for Early Signs

Be vigilant and monitor your dog for early signs of yeast infections, such as itching, redness, and unusual odors. Early detection can make treatment easier and more effective. If you notice any symptoms, consult your veterinarian promptly.

Environmental Control

Maintaining a clean and dry environment can help prevent yeast infections.

Maintaining Clean Living Areas

Regularly clean your dog’s living areas, including their bedding, toys, and food bowls. A clean environment reduces the risk of bacterial and yeast growth. Wash bedding and toys frequently and ensure food and water bowls are cleaned daily.

Reducing Humidity

Yeast thrives in warm, humid environments. If you live in a humid climate, take steps to reduce humidity in your home. Use dehumidifiers or air conditioners to keep the air dry, and ensure your dog’s living areas are well-ventilated.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Yeast infections in dogs can be uncomfortable for your pet and concerning for you as an owner. Here’s a concise recap and some essential points to remember:

Recognizing Symptoms

Look out for signs such as excessive itching, redness, and unusual odors, particularly in the ears, paws, skin folds, and genital areas. Early detection is key to effective treatment.

Importance of Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis through vet examinations and lab tests like skin scrapings and ear swabs can help manage yeast infections promptly. Early treatment can alleviate symptoms and prevent complications.

Preventive Measures

Regular grooming, a balanced diet with appropriate supplements, and a clean, dry environment can help prevent yeast infections. Regular vet check-ups and early detection are crucial for long-term prevention.

Consult Your Veterinarian

Always consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has a yeast infection or if you have any health concerns. Vets can provide accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and guidance on preventive measures.

By staying informed and proactive, you can help ensure your dog remains healthy and free from yeast infections. Regular care, a balanced diet, and timely veterinary consultations are key to maintaining your dog’s well-being. Remember, your veterinarian is your best resource for any health concerns your dog may have.


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Nick Peplow


Nick, co-founder of Pawsafe, is a certified pet care expert with a deep passion for enhancing pet and family well-being. With credentials in pet behavior, nutrition, and health, he shares his knowledge through informative blog posts. Nick’s dedication to pets is evident in his writing, inspired by his own Yorkie named Whiskey.

Nick, co-founder of Pawsafe, is a certified pet care expert with a deep passion for enhancing pet and family well-being. With credentials in pet behavior, nutrition, and health, he shares his knowledge through informative blog posts. Nick’s dedication to pets is evident in his writing, inspired by his own Yorkie named Whiskey.