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Corkie Guide: Your Friendly Cocker Spaniel Yorkie Mix Companion

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe


If you’re looking for a small but loving companion, the Corkie mixed dog breed might just be your perfect match. This designer dog combines the best traits of the American Cocker Spaniel and the Yorkshire Terrier, creating a hybrid that’s both adorable and spirited. As a Corkie owner, you’ll enjoy the affectionate nature of the Cocker Spaniel alongside the tenacity and energy of the Yorkshire Terrier.

This little bundle of joy is known for its playful spirit and is an excellent choice for families looking for an energetic pet that thrives on attention and interaction. The Corkie typically inherits the lush coat of the Cocker Spaniel and the silky fur of the Yorkie, meaning your pet could be quite the head-turner at the dog park. But it’s not just their looks that make them stand out; their lovable personality and eagerness to please make them great companions.

Training a Corkie can be a fun experience because they love to learn and spend time with you. Despite their small size, they have a big heart and are filled with courage. Because they come from two intelligent breeds, Corkies can pick up on commands and tricks if given consistent training. Remember, as part of the hybrid dog category known as designer dogs, your Corkie will be a unique blend of characteristics that makes them truly one of a kind.

Contents show

Here’s what you need to know about this delightful mix:

Size and Appearance

  • Corkies are typically small to medium-sized dogs.
  • They can have a range of coat colors, often a mix of their parents’ coats.
  • Their fur can be straight like the Yorkie or wavy like the Cocker Spaniel.

Personality Traits

  • Corkies are known to be loving and affectionate, making them great companions.
  • They can be energetic and playful, enjoying playtime and walks.
  • Sometimes, they may inherit a strong-willed streak from their Yorkie side.

Care Requirements

  • Grooming: Their coats need regular brushing to prevent tangles.
  • Exercise: Daily walks and play sessions are a must.
  • Training: Early socialization and training can help manage any headstrong tendencies.


  • Regular vet check-ups are important to monitor their health, as with any breed, they may be prone to certain conditions inherited from their parent breeds.

Now that you’re in the loop, you can see why Corkies are quite the catch for dog lovers looking for a lovable, dynamic little companion! If you’re curious about the mix, having a glimpse of the Cocker Spaniel’s personality could give you further insight into what a Corkie might be like.

Corkie Origin: How and Where?

Wire-haired Corkie dog sitting on grass colored like a Yorkshire Terrier

Now, let’s talk about where the Corkie comes from. Unlike purebred dogs with a well-documented history, the Corkie’s origins are a bit less clear. This is because they’re a mixed breed, and these often don’t have a specific birthplace or date. But here’s what you might want to know about their parent breeds.

Cocker Spaniel History

The American Cocker Spaniel is a descendant of the English Cocker Spaniel, which made its way to America on the Mayflower way back in 1620. Talk about a journey, huh? Over time, the American Cocker developed its own characteristics and became a breed of its own.

Yorkshire Terrier History

On the flip side, the Yorkshire Terrier brings its dashing personality from England during the 19th century. Bred to catch rats, this little dog has a big heart and loads of courage.

Mix these two together, and voilà, you get a Corkie — a charming and spunky pup with a blend of both worlds. They’re not a breed with a defined place of origin since they’re often bred by individual breeders who love what both breeds have to offer.

So next time you see a Corkie and wonder where they come from, just think of it as a transatlantic love story between two popular dog breeds that created a furry little bundle of joy. It’s like the best of both worlds, right in your lap!

Characteristic Traits of Corkies

White Cocker Spaniel Yorkshire Terrier mix called a Corkie in a field

Corkies are a delightful mix between Cocker Spaniels and Yorkshire Terriers, which means you’re getting a dog with a combination of traits from both breeds. These pups often sport a silky coat that comes in various shades such as brown, white, black and tan, or sometimes even yellow. The length of their fur can range from moderately long to very long, and it may be straight or could have a slight wave to it, giving them a pretty chic look.

In rare cases, you may also get merle or even roan Corkies.


In terms of appearance, you’ll notice Corkies have dark, expressive eyes and usually inherit the black nose typical of their parent breeds. Their ears might be floppy, like those of a Cocker Spaniel, or they may stand up like a Yorkie’s, adding to their unique charm.

Size and Weight

When you think about size, Corkies are quite manageable. Their weight can vary, but they typically fall between 10 to 20 pounds. As for their height, expect them to be anywhere from 8 to 14 inches tall at the shoulder. Their length and the size of their tail can be quite variable, too, some having a longer body with a plumed tail, while others may be more compact with a shorter tail.

Some Yorkies are extra small, but they’re unlikely to breed with Spaniels because of the size difference.

These cuties are more than just good looks, though; they’re known for being affectionate and loyal to their humans. Imagine coming home to your Corkie’s wagging tail and perky ears — it’s bound to be the highlight of your day!

Corkie Temperament: Personality and Interaction

A Corkie is the cute mix you get when you cross a Cocker Spaniel with a Yorkshire Terrier. They’re known for having a big personality packed into a small body. If you’re thinking about getting one, here’s what you can expect from their temperament and how they interact with others.


  • Active: Corkies have energy to spare, so you’ll need to keep them busy with walks and play.
  • Playful & Loving: They love to play and will become very affectionate with their family.
  • Friendly: They are typically friendly and can be a great addition to a home with older children.


  • Intelligent: Corkies are smart, which makes them quite obedient once trained.
  • Curious & Alert: These pups are alert and curious about the world around them, which keeps things lively.
  • Anxiety: Sometimes they can experience separation anxiety, so it’s important to train them to handle being alone.

When you bring a Corkie into your home, you’re getting more than a pet; you’re getting a family dog that will want to be involved in all your activities. Keep their minds active with games and their bodies moving with daily exercise. They’ll repay you with lots of love and spirited companionship!

Size and Weight of Corkies

Hey, if you’re curious about how big a Corkie can get, let me give you the lowdown. A Corkie is that adorable mix of a Cocker Spaniel and a Yorkshire Terrier, and they’re not too big, not too small — just right for snuggling and fitting into your daily life.

Typical Size

  • Height: 9 to 14 inches (23 to 35.5 cm)
  • Length: They’re longer than they are tall, just so you know!

Typical Weight

  • Adults: Generally, they’ll weigh between 10 to 20 pounds (4.5 to 9 kg), but this can vary depending on their diet and exercise.

Now, remember, these figures are averages, so your Corkie might be a little lighter or a tad heavier. They’ve got that small dog vibe but with enough weight to not feel like a feather when you pick ’em up.

Here’s a Quick List to Keep in Mind:

  • Full grown adults: Usually hit that sweet spot in size and weight by their first birthday.
  • Males & Females: Not a huge difference between the boys and girls, but sometimes boys can be a smidge bigger.

Keep your pup active and at a healthy weight by checking in with your vet. They’re the experts and can help you make sure your Corkie stays in tip-top shape. Plus, who doesn’t like getting compliments on how fit and fabulous their dog looks?

Grooming Needs for Corkies

When you bring a Corkie into your home, get ready to set a grooming routine that keeps your pup looking great and feeling happy. Corkies have a mix of Cocker Spaniel and Yorkshire Terrier qualities, so their coat care is unique.


Your Corkie’s coat needs brushing daily to prevent matting. This mix tends to have fine hair that tangles easily, so a gentle brush each day will save you both from trouble later on.


Too many baths can strip their coat of natural oils, but you don’t want a dirty dog either. Aim for a bath once a month or when they’re really smelly. Use a dog-friendly shampoo to keep their skin from getting irritated.

Nail Clipping

Like any dog, your Corkie’s nails should be clipped regularly. If you hear their nails clicking on the floor, it’s time. Sharp clippers and a little treat for bravery make the experience easier.

Dental Care

Don’t forget about their teeth! Corkies should have their teeth brushed several times a week to prevent dental issues. Dog-specific toothpaste in a flavor they love can make it a fun activity.

Eye and Ear Care

Keep an eye on their eyes and ears — literally! Gently wipe around their eyes with a soft cloth to remove any gunk. Ears should be checked and cleaned weekly to prevent infection, especially because they have those adorable floppy ears.

Remember, being gentle and patient during grooming strengthens your bond and keeps your Corkie in tip-top shape. Happy grooming!

Exercise Requirements for Corkies

Golden Corkie dog swimming to get exercise

Your Corkie is a blend of Cocker Spaniel and Yorkshire Terrier energy, so regular exercise is a must. Aim to give your furry friend about 30 to 60 minutes of activity each day. This could be broken down into two or three shorter walks with some playtime in between.

  • Short Walks: Two 15-minute strolls might suit your Corkie better than one long walk.
  • Playtime: Include games like fetch or tug-of-war to keep their mind and body active.
  • Training: Daily training exercises not only add to their physical activity but also strengthen your bond and keep their mind sharp.

Remember, Corkies can inherit the Cocker Spaniel’s enthusiasm or the Yorkie’s spirited nature, so it’s important to tailor activities to your dog’s energy level. Pups with more pep may enjoy a longer walk or an extra play session.

To avoid overexertion, especially in hot weather, keep an eye out for signs of tiredness. If your Corkie starts to lag behind or pant heavily, it’s time for a break. Always have water on hand to keep them hydrated.

Lastly, mix it up! Corkies love variety, so alternating between different activities will keep exercise fun and engaging for your little companion.

Common Health Issues in Corkies

When you’re thinking about getting a Corkie, that cute blend between a Cocker Spaniel and a Yorkie, you must know about a few health issues they might face. Just like any other breed, Corkies have their share of health problems, and it’s your job to keep an eye out for them.


Just like people, dogs can have allergies too. Your Corkie may be sensitive to certain foods or environmental factors.

Patellar Luxation

This fancy term basically means kneecap problems. It can cause pain and affect your pup’s ability to run and play.

Hip Dysplasia

This is when the hip joints don’t fit together perfectly, and it can lead to arthritis. Watching your dog’s weight and giving them regular exercise can help manage this.

Eye Issues

Keep an eye on your dog’s eyes! They can sometimes have problems like cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

Dental Problems

Small breeds are famous for dental issues. Brushing your Corkie’s teeth regularly can avoid nasty tooth decay and gum disease.

Remember, regular check-ups with the vet and being alert to any changes in your Corkie’s behavior will go a long way in keeping them healthy. If you’re ever unsure about your dog’s health, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian. They can give you specific advice tailored to your furry friend!

Typical Lifespan of Corkies

When you’re thinking about welcoming a Corkie into your life, it’s natural to wonder about how long you’ll have together. Corkies are a mix between a Cocker Spaniel and a Yorkshire Terrier, and they usually have a pretty decent lifespan for small dogs.

Here’s a quick look at what you can expect:

  • On average, these adorable pooches tend to live anywhere from 12 to 15 years. That’s your general window, although some have been known to surpass this range with proper care.
  • Keep in mind, just like any other breed, Corkies’ lifespans can be influenced by their health, diet, and exercise routine.
  • Regular check-ups with the vet and staying up-to-date on vaccinations can help catch any issues that might sneak up on them.

Trainability of Corkies

Training your Corkie can be a fun and rewarding experience. Corkies, a mix between the Cocker Spaniel and the Yorkshire Terrier, often inherit the intelligence and eagerness to please found in both parent breeds. This combination can make them quite easy to train.

You’ll find that Corkies respond well to positive reinforcement. This means when you’re training your Corkie, always reward good behaviors with treats, praise, or playtime. Keeping training sessions short and sweet ensures that your dog remains attentive and doesn’t get bored.

Here are a few key points to remember about their trainability:

  • Intelligence: Corkies are generally smart, making them good at obedience training.
  • Socialization: It’s essential to socialize them early. Introduce them to various people, pets, and environments.
  • Behavior management: Remember, they can be quite playful, so channel their energy into positive activities.
  • Guard dog: While not a typical guard dog, their watchdog instincts mean they might bark to alert you of strangers.
IntelligenceHigh; good at learning commands
SocializationNeeded early; good with other pets
Training MethodPositive reinforcement works best
BehaviorPlayful; requires engaging activities
Watchdog AbilityAlert, will signal arrival of strangers

Remember, patience is key. If you’re consistent with your Corkie’s training routine, you’ll both enjoy the process and strengthen your bond. Corkies make great companions, whether for play or as a little buddy on your daily walks.

Corkie’s Compatibility with Kids and Pets

When you bring a Corkie into your home, you’re considering their behavior around your kids and other pets. You’ll find that these pups generally have a friendly disposition. Corkies are known for their sociable nature, inherited from both the Cocker Spaniel and Yorkie breeds. They often make good playmates for children, given their playful and affectionate personality.

When you introduce a Corkie to kids, remember to supervise at first. It’s important to teach your kids how to interact with the Corkie properly to avoid any accidental harm or fear. Since Corkies are small to medium-sized, rough play is a no-go.

Corkie TraitsCompatibility Note
SizeMay not be suitable for very young children due to size
Energy LevelGood match for active kids
TemperamentFriendly and affectionate, loves attention

If you’ve got other pets, your Corkie can be a great companion. They’re usually good with other dogs, especially if raised together. Cats can be a hit or miss, but early socialization can help build a peaceful household.

  • Pet Introduction Tip: Start with short, supervised sessions and increase the time as they get more comfortable with each other.

Remember to take it slow and keep the environment calm and positive. Your Corkie has the potential to be a fantastic furry addition to your family dynamic!

Living with a Corkie

When you bring a Corkie into your life, you’re welcoming a vibrant blend of the American or English Cocker Spaniel and the Yorkshire Terrier. Known for their affectionate nature and intelligent demeanor, Corkies can be the perfect family pet who bring joy and liveliness to your home environment.

Daily Life

Your days with a Corkie will never be dull. They’re quite active and thrive on consistent exercise. Daily walks, play sessions, and mental challenges like puzzle toys will keep your Corkie in high spirits. It’s key to balance their energy with quiet time, as Corkies cherish moments spent lounging with their favorite humans. Expect their coats, which can range from dense to medium to long, to require regular grooming. This can be a bonding experience, provided you’re gentle and turn it into a positive routine.

While Corkies are quite affectionate, they don’t like being left alone for long periods; keeping them engaged is crucial to avoid any potential anxiety. They are intelligent dogs and can be trained fairly easily, making them excellent companions whether it’s for fetch in the backyard or as a loving family dog.

Environmental Adaptation

Corkies adapt well to both apartments and houses, making them versatile companions. As small dogs, they don’t need a massive space to feel at home. However, access to a safely fenced area where they can explore and play is beneficial for their physical and mental well-being. Their adaptable nature makes them suitable for various living situations as long as they receive sufficient exercise and attention.

They are generally friendly with other pets, but introductions should be done cautiously, especially considering their high prey drive inherited from the Yorkshire Terrier lineage. In multi-pet households, early socialization is crucial to ensure harmonious relationships. Corkies might exhibit a strong personality, so clear and consistent boundaries are a must.

These designer dogs often sport the parti-colored coats of their Cocker Spaniel heritage, and whether you have an American Cocker or an English Cocker in the mix can influence their look and size. Regardless of the Spaniel type, your Corkie will be a dedicated family pet, eager to please and quick to learn. Just be mindful of their energy levels, and you’ll have a joyous companion who’s as content on a brisk walk as they are cuddling next to you.

How Much Do Corkies Cost?

When you’re in the market for a puppy, the price is a big factor, and Corkies are no different. These adorable Cocker Spaniel and Yorkshire Terrier mixes go for a range of prices, dependent on various factors. Let’s break it down for you.

Corkie Puppy Cost

Firstly, buying from a reputable breeder might have a higher price tag. They take care of their dog’s health, breeding conditions, and socialization, so you’re paying for quality. Expect to pay anywhere from $600 to $1,200 for a Corkie from a good breeder.

Location can also affect the cost. If you’re in a city or an area where designer dogs are popular, prices might be steeper. On the flip side, in areas where they’re less sought after, you might snag a better deal.

Ongoing Costs

Remember, the initial cost isn’t the whole story. You’ll need to account for other expenses like:

  • Veterinary care: vaccinations, checkups, etc.
  • Supplies: food, toys, bed, collar, leash.
  • Grooming:  these pups can have beautiful coats that need regular care.

So, when you’re budgeting, think beyond the purchase price. A Corkie’s lifetime care will add to your expenses.

Expenses Summary:

  • Initial Cost: $600-$1,200
  • Regular Vet Visits: Price varies
  • Supplies: A few hundred dollars a year
  • Grooming: Regular grooming needed

And, if you find these costs a bit much, you may want to consider looking into reputable rescue organizations. They often have mixed breeds like Corkies for a lower adoption fee, and you could give a dog a second chance at a happy life.

Adoption and Buying Advice

When you’re looking to bring a Corkie — a mix between a Cocker Spaniel and a Yorkshire Terrier—into your home, it’s important to understand both the process of finding the right puppy and how to prepare for its arrival.

Finding a Corkie

To find a Corkie puppy, you’ll want to research reputable breeders or consider adopting from a rescue. Reputable breeders should be transparent about the health and lineage of the puppy’s parents and offer a clear record of vaccinations and health checks. On the other hand, rescuing gives you a chance to provide a loving home to a pet in need. 

Preparing for a New Pet

Before your Corkie arrives, make sure you have all the essentials. Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Food and water bowls;
  • Comfortable bedding;
  • High-quality puppy food tailored to small breeds;
  • Crate for training and safe transportation;
  • Toys for mental and physical stimulation; and
  • Collar, leash, and ID tags.

Also, puppy-proof your home to make sure it’s safe. This includes securing electrical wires and removing plants that could be toxic. The lifespan of a Corkie can be substantial with proper care, so make early vet visits a priority to set a strong foundation for their health. Keep in mind the traits of both the American Cocker Spaniel and English Cocker Spaniel, as these may influence your Corkie’s behavior and care needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When considering a Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mix, or Corkie, you’re likely curious about their size, care needs, and suitability for apartment living, as well as their health and exercise requirements.

How big do Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mix dogs get?

Your Corkie will likely be a small to medium-sized dog. Expect them to weigh between 10 to 25 pounds and stand about 9 to 15 inches tall at the shoulder when fully grown.

What kind of care does a Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mix need?

Your Corkie will need regular veterinary check-ups, quality food, dental care, and mental stimulation. Regular affection and social interaction are also vital to their care.

Can Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mixes live comfortably in small apartments?

Yes, they can adapt well to apartment living provided they get enough daily exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and prevent boredom.

What are common health issues for Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mixes?

Corkies may inherit health issues common to Cocker Spaniels and Yorkies, including eye conditions, hip dysplasia, and heart problems. Regular health screens can help catch issues early.

What are the grooming requirements for a Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mix?

Expect to brush your Corkie’s coat several times a week, and they’ll need a trim every few months. Keep their ears clean to prevent infections, especially given their floppy Cocker Spaniel heritage.

How much exercise does a Cocker Spaniel Yorkie mix typically need?

They’ll need a moderate amount of exercise – daily walks and play sessions will suffice. They enjoy activities that stimulate both their body and mind, like fetch or agility training.

Final Thoughts

When you’re looking into bringing a Corkie into your home, remember they’re a blend of the Cocker Spaniel and the Yorkie. This mix brings you a compact companion with a heart full of loyalty and affection. They’ll fit right into your lap and likely into your heart with ease.

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.