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Great Dane Pitbull Mix: Uncovering the Traits of this Unique Designer Dog

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

Great Dane Pitbull Mix

If you’re considering adding a unique dog to your family, the Great Dane Pitbull mix might catch your eye. This hybrid dog, often known as a Great Danebull, combines the towering size of the Great Dane with the muscular frame of the Pitbull. Despite their large and sometimes intimidating appearance, these dogs can be gentle giants with the right training and socialization.

Originating from two very distinctive breeds, the Great Danebull hasn’t been around for a very long time. However, this mix has gained popularity among dog lovers who appreciate their loyal and affectionate nature and because of the rise of designer dogs. While the exact origin of the Great Dane Pitbull mix isn’t well-documented, it’s clear that breeders were aiming for a dog that carries the striking features and favorable traits of both the Great Dane and the Pitbull.

Owning a Great Danebull comes with its own set of considerations, such as space requirements and exercise needs. But if you’re up for the challenge, you might find that this hybrid dog brings a loving presence and unique personality into your home.

Other Names:

  • Great Dane Pit Bull Mix
  • Pit Dane
  • Danebull


  • Size: Large, with the potential to be quite tall and muscular.
  • Temperament: Often friendly, loyal, and protective.
  • Energy Levels: Moderate, requires regular exercise.
  • Training: Intelligent, trainable, but may be stubborn.

Through conversations with Great Danebull owners, you notice a pattern in their descriptions:

“My Danebull is a gentle giant! Loves to snuggle but doesn’t realize how big he really is.”

“She’s stubborn at times but so smart and eager to please. Training was easy once we found the right motivation.”

If you’re considering a Great Danebull, know they have a big heart and can be a joy to have around. But remember, their size means they need space, and their energy levels require commitment to daily exercise. Like any dog, a Great Danebull will thrive with the right mix of love, training, and exercise.

Breeding Background

In this section, you’ll discover the origins of the Great Dane Pitbull Mix, a blend of two distinct dog breeds with unique characteristics. Unpacking their history and how they came together will give you a solid understanding of this mixed breed’s lineage.

Parent Breeds

Great Dane –  Known for their grand stature and gentle temperament, Great Danes originate from Germany. These dogs were historically bred for hunting and guard duties but have evolved into beloved family companions due to their affectionate nature.

American Pit Bull TerrierPitbulls, as they’re commonly known, are a breed with roots in England and Ireland. Originally bred for bull-baiting, they have become admired for their loyalty, intelligence, and strength. Working closely with a reputable breeder ensures that these attributes are upheld when considering them for mixed breeding.

History of the Mix

The Great Dane Pitbull Mix, commonly referred to as a “Danebull,” is a result of combining the two aforementioned breeds. While the exact origin date of this mixed breed isn’t well-documented, it likely emerged in the late 20th or early 21st century when designer breeds gained popularity. This mix aims to capture the Great Dane’s size and amicable nature along with the Pitbull’s courage and playfulness.

Physical Characteristics: What Does A Pit Bull Great Dane Mix Look Like?

When you picture a Pit Bull Great Dane mix, imagine the blend of the muscular, compact frame of a Pit Bull with the towering, elegant stature of a Great Dane.

Size and Build

Your Great Dane Pitbull mix will likely be a large dog, given the sizes of both parent breeds. Adults can weigh anywhere from 60 to 120 pounds (27 to 54 kilograms) and stand at a height of 24 to 30 inches (61 to 76 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. They often inherit the lean, muscular build of both breeds, making them appear strong and athletic.

Coat and Colors

The coat of a Great Dane Pitbull mix is typically short and dense, which makes it relatively low-maintenance. As for colors, they can inherit a wide range, including black, white, fawn, blue, red, brindle, mantle, and sometimes even a speckled merle pattern. Each dog’s coat is unique, with some showcasing a solid color and others wearing a mix of hues.

Ears and Tail

The ears of a Pit Bull Great Dane mix may either be high-set and fold over, reminiscent of a Pit Bull, or they could be taller and more erect like those of a Great Dane. Their tail usually is long and tapers to a point, and it may gently curve upwards. Depending on which parent’s genes are more dominant, the mix can have a variety of ear and tail appearances.

How Much does a Great Dane Pitbull Mix Puppy Typically Cost?

When you’re looking to bring a Great Dane Pitbull mix puppy into your home, you’re probably wondering about the price tag. Well, the cost can vary quite a bit based on several factors. Here’s what you should know:

  • Breeder Reputation: Puppies from a well-known or high-quality breeder will often cost more.
  • Location: Depending on where you live, the price can be higher or lower due to demand and cost of living.
  • Puppy’s Lineage: If the puppy has parents that are purebred show dogs, you might be looking at a higher price.
  • Health Screenings: If the breeder has done genetic testing and health checks, this can add to the cost as well.

Typical Price Range:

  • Lower End: Sometimes, you might find them for around $600-$800.
  • Average Cost: However, most often, these mix pups fall in the range of $800-$1,500.
  • Higher End: For top-quality pups with exceptional lineage, you could pay $1,500-$3,000 or more.

Here’s a simple breakdown to help you budget:

  • Under $1,000: It might be possible but be cautious of health and lineage.
  • $1,000 – $2,000: A common price range for a healthy puppy from a reputable source.
  • Over $2,000: Expect exceptional lineage, often with breeding rights.

Remember, the initial purchase is just the beginning. You should also consider costs for things like food, vet visits, training, and insurance. While not part of the purchase price, these expenses are important for your puppy’s lifelong health and happiness.

Great Danebull Temperament & Behavior

When thinking about bringing a Great Danebull into your home, it’s essential to understand their temperament and behavior. These crossbreeds tend to be playful, loving, and protective, which can make them ideal family pets if well-trained.

Personality Traits

Your Great Danebull is likely to inherit a blend of traits from its Great Dane and Pitbull lineage. These dogs are known for being affectionate, intelligent, and quite eager to please. Their playful side comes out around those they trust, showcasing a gentle giant persona. However, they may have strong protective instincts, making socialization critical from an early age.

Behavior with Family

In your family setting, expect a Great Danebull to be loyal and loving. These dogs often form strong bonds with their family members and are known for their gentle nature. Affectionate with loved ones, they take their role as a part of the family seriously, seeking to be involved in daily activities.

Are Great Danebulls Good with Kids & Other Animals?

Great Danebulls can be great with kids, displaying a patient and protective demeanor. However, their size and strength require supervision with smaller children to avoid accidental knocks or bumps. 

Their behavior towards other dogs can vary; while many are friendly, some may exhibit aggressiveness, so proper introductions and socialization are key.

Are Great Danebulls good guard dogs?

Due to their heritage, Great Danebulls can be protective, which makes them attentive and potentially good guard dogs. But it’s your job to ensure they are well-trained and know when to be protective and when to be friendly. They tend to alert you of any disturbances, but not with an inclination to bark excessively.

Common Danebull Health Issues

When caring for your Great Dane Pitbull mix, you should keep an eye out for some health concerns common to large breeds. This includes joint issues such as hip dysplasia, where the hip joint doesn’t fit together perfectly, and knee problems like kneecap dislocation. Unfortunately, these conditions are quite prevalent and can affect your dog’s mobility.

Your dog may also be at risk of heart problems; one to watch for is dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), where the heart is abnormally large, potentially leading to heart failure. It’s crucial to ensure regular check-ups with your vet to monitor heart health.

Skin allergies are another point of concern, which could lead to discomfort and more serious conditions such as mange if not properly managed. Even with their short fur, staying on top of skin care is important.

Watch out for signs of bloat, a rapid and life-threatening stomach condition that large breeds, including Great Danes, can succumb to. It involves the twisting of the stomach and requires immediate veterinary attention. Remember, because of this, there are a number of nutritional risks to this mixed breed and other large breed dogs.

Lastly, various eye problems such as cataracts and glaucoma can occur in your mix breed, alongside more moderate but still significant issues like obesity and dental trouble. Regular vet visits are key to catching any of these issues early, ensuring a happy and healthy life for your companion.

General Care of Danebulls

Diet and Nutrition

Your Great Dane Pitbull mix requires a balanced diet rich in nutrients to support their size and energy levels. They often benefit from high-quality commercial dog food tailored to large breeds. To support joint health, you might consider adding joint care supplements to their diet. Be mindful of their portions; both overfeeding and underfeeding can lead to health issues. It’s important to establish a feeding schedule to maintain their optimal weight.

Grooming Needs

Grooming your mix involves regular brushing to keep shedding under control—plan on doing this at least once a week. Their nails should be trimmed regularly to prevent discomfort and issues with walking, as their legs are a vital part of their powerful build. Don’t forget dental care; brushing their teeth regularly helps prevent dental problems and contributes to their overall health. A Great Dane Pitbull mix usually doesn’t need frequent baths, but they should be kept clean and dry to avoid skin issues.

Exercise Requirements

With a high energy level, your dog will need plenty of exercise. Aim for at least an hour each day. This could include walks, runs, or playtime in a fenced yard. Be careful with puppies and young dogs, as too much strain on their developing legs can lead to health problems like hip dysplasia. Regular training and exercise help maintain a healthy weight, reducing the strain on their joints and extending their lifespan.

Training and Socialization

When you bring a Great Dane Pitbull mix into your life, remember that training and early socialization are essential. These practices lay the foundation for a well-behaved companion who fits well into your family and society.

Socialization Importance

Socialization is crucial, especially in a large and powerful breed like the Great Danebull. You’ll want to start early, introducing your Great Danebull puppy to various people, animals, and environments. This helps prevent fearfulness and aggression, common concerns in dogs that aren’t well-socialized. Begin socializing as soon as your vet gives the green light, ensuring positive and controlled experiences.

  • Key steps for socialization:
    • Familiarize your puppy with handling by different people.
    • Introduce your pup to other dogs and animals in a safe, controlled way.
    • Expose your puppy to diverse situations, such as different noises and environments.

By consistently and safely exposing your puppy to these experiences, you’ll help develop their social behavior and reduce instances of separation anxiety.

Training Techniques

When training your Great Danebull, focus on consistency and patience. They can be strong and loyal, but may also have a playful streak that requires attention. A great method to use is positive reinforcement — rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or play to encourage repetition.

  • Training tips to remember:
    • Incorporate short and fun training sessions to keep their attention.
    • Use commands like sit, stay, and come to establish basic obedience.
    • Teach leash manners early to prevent pulling as they grow stronger.
    • Address undesirable behaviors with firmness and consistency without resorting to harsh methods.

Remember that training a Great Danebull is as much about building a strong relationship as it is about compliance. Your positivity and dedication will make training an enjoyable and successful journey for both of you.

Living with a Great Danebull

When you adopt a Great Danebull, you’re getting a mixed breed dog with a big personality and size to match. They make loyal companions and can be great with families, but their space and activity needs are significant.

Space and Environment

A Great Danebull is a large mixed breed, combining the size of a Great Dane with the strength of a Pitbull, which means ample space is necessary for them to thrive. Your living environment should include:

  • A secure, fenced yard: Great Danebulls need room to romp and play to keep them active and healthy.
  • Indoor space: Beyond the yard, they’ll need plenty of room inside to stretch out without knocking over your valuables.

A small apartment isn’t going to cut it; you must have enough space for this sizable four-legged friend.

Daily Life

Daily life with a Great Danebull is never dull. These dogs are:

  • Active: They require regular exercise, such as walks or playtime in the yard, to stay healthy and happy.
  • Family-oriented: Great Danebulls often bond closely with their families and thrive on companionship.
  • Watchdogs: Their protective nature can make them good watchdogs, but they need training to ensure they don’t become overly protective.

Your daily routine will include:

  • Quality time: Spend time each day playing with your Great Danebull, as they love to engage with their human pals.
  • Training and socialization: To manage their watchdog tendencies and ensure they’re sociable with other pets and people.

Remember, the key to a thriving relationship with your Great Danebull is understanding their needs and giving them the love and attention they deserve.

Great Danebull Adoption and Ownership

Adopting a Great Danebull is a big decision. You’re looking at a large, loving mix of a Great Dane and a Pitbull that needs your time and attention.

What to Consider

When thinking about adoption, know that Great Danebulls are big dogs with big hearts. They often inherit the gentle nature of the Great Dane and the loyalty of the Pitbull. Before you adopt, consider the space you have at home. Great Danebulls need room to stretch, play, and run around. 

Also, check local regulations, as Pitbull mixes may have specific ownership rules in some areas of America, and can be banned in some areas.

Also remember that there are many ethical considerations that come with breeding dogs, so beware of backyard breeders and puppu mills.

Cost is another factor. These pets can be more expensive to care for due to their size. Expect expenses for food, veterinary care, and other supplies to be higher than those for a smaller dog.

Lastly, think about the color and age of the dog you want. Puppies might be cute, but they require extra work for training. An older dog could be a calmer companion. Colors vary, so choose one you love!

Finding Your Dog

Start by researching reputable breeders who can provide you with healthy, ethically-raised puppies. It’s essential to visit and check the conditions in which the dogs are kept. Healthy puppies are alert and active, with bright eyes and clean coats.

Alternatively, consider adoption. There are rescue groups and shelters with Great Danebulls looking for a forever home. Adopting an adult dog can also be rewarding, as it gives a second chance to a dog that may otherwise struggle to find a home.

Remember, adopting a Great Danebull is a commitment. Choose wisely and prepare for a rewarding friendship with your new giant buddy.

Great Danebull vs. American Pitbull Terrier

When you’re trying to decide between a Great Danebull and an American Pitbull Terrier, think of it as choosing between two rather different companions. Let’s break down what makes each of them special:


  • Great Danebull: You’ll find that this mix is quite large, given its Great Dane heritage. They can stand at about 24 to 28 inches tall.
  • American Pitbull Terrier: Smaller in stature, they typically reach only 17 to 21 inches in height.


  • Great Danebull: Known for a gentle and affectionate nature. They love being around people and make great family pets.
  • American Pitbull Terrier: They’re known for their strong desire to please their owners. They’re very loyal and can also be very gentle.

Activity Level:

  • Great Danebull: They need moderate exercise, but due to their size, make sure not to overdo it as puppies.
  • American Pitbull Terrier: These dogs are high-energy and love to play. Regular exercise is key for them.


  • Great Danebull: Can inherit health issues common to both Great Danes and Pitbulls, like hip dysplasia. It’s important to keep up with vet checkups.
  • American Pitbull Terrier: Generally healthy but can suffer from genetic conditions such as heart disease or hip dysplasia.


  • Great Danebull: They will need routine grooming and the occasional bath. Keep an eye on their larger bodies for any joint issues.
  • American Pitbull Terrier: They have a short coat that’s easy to care for, requiring only regular brushing and the occasional bath.

Remember, every dog has their unique personality, and these traits are general. Your pet’s behavior will also shape up with how you train and treat them!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These are some of the most common questions you might have about owning a Great Dane Pitbull mix.

What is the average size of a Great Dane Pitbull mix when fully grown?

A Great Dane Pitbull mix, also known as a Great Danebull, can vary in size, but they generally reach a weight of 60-100 pounds and a height of 24-30 inches at the shoulder when fully grown.

What are common traits of a Great Dane Pitbull mix’s temperament?

Your Great Danebull may exhibit a temperament that is a blend of both breeds. They tend to be affectionate, loyal, and protective. They might also have high energy levels and a playful nature.

What should potential owners consider before buying a Great Dane Pitbull mix puppy?

Before buying a Great Dane Pitbull mix puppy, consider the space you have available, as they need plenty of room to move. Also, account for the time and effort required for training, socialization, and exercise.

Is the Great Dane Pitbull mix considered a healthy breed, and what are common health issues?

While Great Dane Pitbull mixes can be robust, they can inherit health issues from both parent breeds, including hip dysplasia, heart conditions, and bloat, which owners should monitor for.

How much exercise does a Great Dane Pitbull mix need?

A Great Danebull needs a considerable amount of exercise – at least 1 to 2 hours daily. This could include walks, runs, and ample playtime to help manage their energy levels and maintain good health.

Final Thoughts

When you consider bringing a Great Dane Pitbull mix into your life, remember that you’re getting a dog with a unique blend of traits from both the gentle giant Great Dane and the strong, loyal Pitbull. It’s important for you to know that this mix will likely be a large and energetic dog. Therefore, ample space and plenty of exercise are critical to keep your dog happy and healthy.

You should also be ready to invest time in training and socialization. These dogs thrive on positive reinforcement and consistent boundaries. Given their size and strength, early training is non-negotiable to ensure they can be well-mannered companions.

Your Great Dane Pitbull mix might have a short coat, making grooming a breeze. But, don’t let the short hair fool you; they can still shed. A regular brushing routine will help keep the loose hair under control.

Healthwise, stay proactive with regular vet check-ups. This mix can be prone to health challenges common to their parent breeds, such as hip dysplasia. A balanced diet and routine vet visits will help you keep a step ahead of these issues.

Most importantly, give your Great Dane Pitbull mix lots of love and attention. They’re often described as affectionate and loyal to their families. With the right care, this mix can be a loving addition to your home, offering companionship and joy for years to come.

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.