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Pomeranian Care: Top Tips for Your Fluffy Friend's Health and Happiness - PawSafe

Pomeranian Care: Top Tips for Your Fluffy Friend’s Health and Happiness

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

Pomeranian care

When you think of a Pomeranian, you’re probably picturing a small, fluffy dog with a big personality. These little guys are classified as a toy breed, which means they’re one of the smallest breeds around. Despite their size, they’ve got a lot of energy and love to play, making them great companions. Their thick double coat gives them an adorable teddy bear look, and they come in a wide range of colors.

Your Pomeranian isn’t just a cute face; they’re alert and curious about the world, always ready to investigate new sights and smells. They may be small, but don’t let that fool you – they have the heart of a lion and often act as though they’re much larger than they really are. Known for being loyal and affectionate with their owners, Pomeranians make for an excellent choice if you’re looking for a pup to join your family.

Taking care of your Pomeranian involves some grooming because of their plush coat – regular brushing will keep their fur looking its best. They’re smart little pups too, and with consistent training, they can learn all sorts of tricks and commands. Just remember, their size doesn’t mean they require any less attention or activity than bigger dogs – so make sure you’re ready for the energetic package that is your Pomeranian companion.

Contents show

Pomerania Region

Pomeranians come from Pomerania, an area in northern Poland and Germany. This region has a rich history that contributed to the dog breed’s evolution. With its past shared between Poland and Germany, Pomerania has played a significant role in the cultural and genetic development of the Pomeranian dog.

Royal Influence

The breed gained massive popularity thanks to Queen Victoria, who owned a small Pomeranian. Her influence was so significant that during her time, the size of the breed was reduced by half. The royal association helped elevate the Pomeranian’s status and spread their charming reputation across Europe.

Breed Evolution

Originally larger dogs used for herding, Pomeranians have evolved significantly over time. They share ancestors with other Arctic breeds like the Samoyed and Norwegian Elkhound. The modern Pomeranian is a toy-sized version of its larger ancestors and is closely related to the German Spitz. Over time, these dogs were bred smaller to become the companion-sized pets we adore today. 

In fact, the variety of Pomeranian mixes, like the playful Pomchi and the charming Maltipom, shows the breed’s adaptiveness and enduring appeal.

Pomeranian Physical Characteristics

Very fluffy Pom dog on orange background

When you’re looking to bring a Pomeranian into your life, understanding their physical characteristics is essential. They’re small dogs with a lot of personalities, and their appearance is just as distinctive and charming as their spirited demeanor. Let’s take a closer look at what makes a Pomeranian stand out.

Size and Weight

Pomeranians are part of the toy dog breed group, which means they’re petite. On average, their height ranges from 6 to 7 inches at the shoulder. As for weight, a healthy Pomeranian typically weighs between 3 to 7 pounds. Despite their small size, they pack a lot of energy and boldness.

Coat and Colors

One of the most striking features of a Pomeranian is their luxurious double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense, while the outer coat is longer and textured. This combination gives them a fluffy appearance that requires regular grooming to maintain. Pomeranians are known for their wide range of coat colors

The most common colors are orange and orange sable, but you might be surprised by the variety. In fact, they can be found in nearly every color, including black, white, and various patterns like brindle and merle. From the Pomeranian Standard, we know that all colors and patterns are equally acceptable in the breed.

Distinct Features

The face of a Pomeranian is often described as ‘foxy’, characterized by alert, bright eyes and small, erect ears. Another distinct trait is their ruff – the impressive fringe of fur around their neck, which gives them a majestic, lion-like look. If you’ve ever seen a Pomeranian trotting down the street, you’ve probably noticed their plumed tail arched over their back, which is another hallmark of the breed. Whether it’s a Black & Tan Pomeranian or a Black & White Parti Pomeranian, each of these dogs has a unique set of features contributing to their unmistakable and adorable appearance.

Pomeranian Temperament and Behavior

adorable white pom pom puppy on pink background for sale

If you’re curious about Pomeranian dogs, you’ll find they are lively and affectionate. Let’s get into what makes these little pups stand out in personality and behavior.

Personality Traits

Pomeranians are known for their bold and inquisitive nature. As a spitz breed, they carry a heritage of alertness and are always aware of their surroundings. Despite their small size, don’t be fooled — they have the heart of a much larger dog. Pomeranians are often described as vivacious and full of life, with a touch of mischief in their playful actions.

Socialization Needs

From early on, Pomeranians need to meet lots of different people and experience various sights and sounds. This helps them become well-rounded and friendly. Keep interactions positive, as Poms can become bossy if they think they’re in charge. Regular playdates can also help minimize their tendency to engage in too much barking.

Interaction with Family

Your Pomeranian will likely be very loyal to you and your family. Their energy level makes them great companions for active individuals, but they also know how to settle down and cuddle. While Pomeranians enjoy being the center of attention, they need to know you’re the boss to prevent them from engaging in bold behavior.

Health and Care

Merle Pomeranian dog sitting outside in garden

When it comes to your Pomeranian’s health, being proactive is key. Understanding how to care for your pup can make a big difference in ensuring a happy and long lifespan.

General Health


Pomeranians are known for their relatively long lifespan, often ranging from 12 to 16 years. To help your Pom achieve a full lifespan, focus on providing optimal nutrition and regular exercise.

Cardiovascular Conditions

  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA): Common in Pomeranians, especially females, where a blood vessel fails to close after birth, potentially causing heart problems.

Dermatological Conditions

  • Alopecia X: This breed frequently experiences unexplained hair loss, particularly notable in neutered dogs in the US and Japan.
  • Demodicosis: A skin condition caused by mites, with young Pomeranians being especially susceptible.

Endocrine Conditions

  • Hypothyroidism: Pomeranians are at an increased risk, where the thyroid gland underperforms, affecting metabolism.

Gastrointestinal Conditions

  • Congenital Portosystemic Shunt: A condition where blood bypasses liver processing, more prevalent in Pomeranians than in many other breeds.

Musculoskeletal Conditions

  • Patellar Luxation: Common in Pomeranians, this involves the dislocation of the kneecap, often requiring surgery.

Neurological Conditions

  • Atlantoaxial Subluxation: A joint instability in the neck, particularly risky for young Pomeranians, which can lead to severe symptoms.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): Pomeranians can suffer from spinal issues, especially in the neck, leading to pain and possibly paralysis.

Renal and Urinary Conditions

  • Urolithiasis (Calcium Oxalate Stones): Pomeranians have a high risk of developing kidney stones compared to other breeds.

Reproductive Conditions

  • Cryptorchidism: Male Pomeranians frequently have undescended testicles, a condition that can lead to health issues later in life.
  • Dystocia and Eclampsia: These conditions are common during birth, with Pomeranians having a higher risk of complications due to their small size.

Respiratory Conditions

  • Tracheal Collapse: A common issue in small breeds, causing cough and breathing difficulties, particularly prevalent in older Pomeranians.

Awareness of these conditions can help owners seek timely veterinary care to manage these health challenges effectively.

Care AspectsWhat You Can Do
DietEnsure a balanced diet with proper nutrients tailored to their needs.
ExerciseProvide daily walks and playtime to meet their exercise needs.
Health ConditionsStay updated with vet visits, and be on the lookout for symptoms of sensitive conditions.


Your Pomeranian’s health can be sensitive. Monitor their behavior and physical state closely to catch potential health problems early on. Regular vet visits are essential for maintaining their general health.

Exercise Needs

Fluffy black and tan Pomeranian puppy on blue background very cute

When you’ve got a lively Pomeranian pup, remember they’re quite energetic! Even though they’re small, your Pomeranian needs regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity each day. This could be a spirited game of fetch or a brisk walk around the block – whatever gets that little tail wagging!

Indoor Activities

  • Play hide and seek with treats.
  • Short, fun training sessions of basic commands like sit or stay.

Outdoor Fun

  • Take a walk in the park.
  • Enjoy a safe off-leash area for a good run.
  • Pomeranians can excel in agility courses too!

Remember to break up their exercise into smaller sessions so they don’t get too tired. Pomeranians are known for their big personalities but have small bodies after all!

Exercise Tips

  • Start slow if your Pomeranian isn’t used to regular exercise.
  • In hot weather, walk them during the cooler parts of the day.
  • Always have water ready to keep your pup hydrated.

Keep activities fun and varied. You might be surprised at how much these little dogs enjoy staying active. Just keep an eye on them to make sure they’re not overdoing it, since they can be quite enthusiastic about playtime. Enjoy your time together and help your Pomeranian lead a bouncy, joyful life!

Diet and Nutrition For Pomeranian

When it comes to your Pomeranian’s diet, it’s like they have their own special menu. As a puppy, their tiny tummies need frequent, small meals packed with nutrients to grow up strong and healthy. Think of it as their own little power-up strategy!

For your adult Pomeranian, you’ll want to maintain a balanced diet to keep them sprightly and avoid weight gain. Small breed dog food often does the trick, but every Pomeranian is a unique snowflake with their own tastes and needs.

Now, when your Pomeranian reaches their golden years as a senior dog, their metabolism slows down. Less active than their puppy days, they may need fewer calories. Keep an eye on those treats, okay?

Oh, and a thing called hypoglycemia can be a sneaky threat to these little guys, especially when they’re young or stressed. It’s when their blood sugar drops. A consistent feeding schedule with the right food helps prevent this scary situation.

Regarding dental care, those tiny teeth can get into trouble without proper attention. Dry kibble can help scrape plaque off, but dental treats and regular brushing are top-notch for keeping that doggy smile sparkly.

Lastly, if you’re a chef at heart and leaning towards home-made meals, that’s cool! Just double-check with your vet for a recipe that’s complete and balanced. You wouldn’t want to miss out on any vital nutrients or, worse, include something harmful.

Remember, always keep fresh water out. Stay hydrated, stay happy!

Pomeranian Grooming and Maintenance

When you have a Pomeranian, keeping them looking their best is all about regular grooming and learning how to manage their shedding. It’s also helpful to pick up some professional care tips.

Grooming Routine

To keep your Pom’s fluffy coat healthy, brush it at least three times a week. This prevents matting and distributes natural oils. Focus on their dense undercoat with a slicker brush and use a comb for their softer overcoat. Start from the head and work down to the tail. Remember, grooming is bonding time with your pup!

Shedding Management

During shedding season, which usually happens in the spring and fall, you’ll need to up your grooming game. Extra brushing during these times cuts down on flying fur. A de-shedding tool can be a huge help. Keep in mind, the amount of shedding varies from dog to dog, but staying on top of it will keep your home fur-free.

Professional Care Tips

Don’t be shy about seeking help! A professional groomer knows how to handle the Pomeranian coat, especially when it comes to trimming around their paws and ears. They can also provide guidance on proper care and training to maintain your dog’s appearance and health. Regular visits can be a good complement to your home grooming routine.

Training and Education

Training your Pomeranian can be a rewarding experience. These tiny dogs pack a lot of intelligence, which makes them responsive to learning. However, it’s not just about smarts; consistency and early socialization play big parts in your Pomeranian’s training success.

Early Training

When you bring a Pomeranian into your home, start training right away. Their intelligence means they pick up on things quickly, especially when you’re consistent. Early socialization is key. You’ll want to gently expose your Pomeranian to different people, pets, and experiences. This helps prevent excessive barking and nervousness around others.

  • Consistency: Keep training sessions short and regular.
  • Socialization: Introduce your Pomeranian to new experiences early.

Behavioral Adjustments

Your Pomeranian might develop some less-than-desirable behaviors, like unnecessary yapping. To curb this, you’ll need to be patient and persistent. Remember, Pomeranians are smart and can learn to adjust their behavior with proper guidance. Supervision is important, so you can correct these behaviors as they happen.

  • Barking: Redirect attention to stop unwanted barking.
  • Supervision: Monitor interactions with other pets and people.

Positive Reinforcement

Always focus on positive reinforcement. Pomeranians respond well to treats and praise. Let your pup know they’ve done a great job when they follow commands or interact well with your family and other pets. This not only builds an affectionate bond but encourages them to keep up the good work.

  • Rewards: Use treats, praise, or play as rewards.
  • Affection: Give lots of love for positive behavior.

By using these methods, you’re on your way to having a well-trained and loyal companion who is a pleasure to be around for your family and friends.

Living with a Pomeranian

Owning a Pomeranian can be a delightful experience. These small, fluffy dogs are full of personality and bring lots of joy to a household. Now, let’s look at what it’s like to have one of these toy dogs as part of your family.

Household Compatibility

Your Pomeranian will see themselves as a big part of your life. They usually do well with families and children if introduced properly. Remember, because of their small size, it’s important to teach kids how to handle your puppy gently. As for other pets, Pomeranians can live peacefully with cats, but early socialization is key. In the house, they can be alert watchdogs, barking to inform you of visitors.

Adaptability to Environment

Pomeranians are quite adaptable. They’re happy living in an apartment or a house with a yard, as long as they’re close to you. These toy dog breeds can be sensitive to extreme heat or cold, so it’s essential to provide an environment with a moderate temperature. You won’t need a large space for them to feel at home.

Managing Energy and Playfulness

Despite being a toy dog breed, Pomeranians have a medium energy level. They love to play and need regular exercise, but this can often be satisfied with indoor games and short walks. It’s good for their health and helps manage their playful energy. Set aside time for interactive toys and games that stimulate their mind and body. Keep in mind that puppies may have more energy and require more playtime and supervision.

Choosing a Pomeranian

When you decide to bring a Pomeranian into your life, it’s important to consider whether you’re looking for a puppy or an adult, and whether you want to purchase from a breeder or adopt from a rescue.

Selecting a Puppy

When you’re looking at Pomeranian puppies, seek reputable breeders, such as those recognized by the American Pomeranian Club. Be sure to visit the breeder, observe the puppies’ environment, and meet the parents if possible. Look for a puppy that is active, healthy, and interacts well with its siblings.

  • Health: Ensure they’ve had initial vaccinations.
  • Temperament: Look for a playful yet not overly dominant personality.
  • Breed Standard: Familiarize yourself with the Pomeranian Club of America breed standards.

Considerations for Adults

Adult Pomeranians can be a great choice, especially if you prefer a dog with a known temperament. They may already be house-trained and socialized which can save a lot of time and effort.

  • Behavior: Determine if they are comfortable around children or other pets.
  • Medical History: Check their medical background for any potential ongoing health issues.
  • Adaptability: Ensure they can adapt to your lifestyle and living situation.

Adoption and Rescue

Look into adoption options at local animal shelters or contact a rescue group.

  • Rescue and Adoption: Organizations like Recycle Pomeranians Rescue often have Pomeranians needing homes.
  • Benefits of Adoption: It can be more affordable and you are giving a dog a second chance.
  • Support: Most rescues provide post-adoption support and can help with the transition to your home.

How Much Do Pomeranians Cost?

When you’re thinking about getting a Pomeranian, or a “Pom Pom” as some folks call them, the first thing you probably wonder is how much they cost, right? Well, let’s break it down.

Initial Cost:

  • Puppy Price: This can vary a lot depending on where you get your fluffy friend from. Your typical price range for Pomeranian puppies might be between $500 to $6,000. Show-quality Pomeranians and those from top-notch breeders can be on the higher end of the spectrum.

Monthly Costs:

  • Food: Expect to spend around $30-$60 a month keeping your Pom’s belly full.
  • Grooming: Pomeranians have a thick double coat that requires regular care. Grooming can be $30-$50 per session if you go professional, but you might also just buy brushes and shampoo for cheaper, do-it-yourself care.
  • Veterinary Care: Set aside some cash for those regular vet visits too. Think like $20-$40 monthly for basic health maintenance, but this doesn’t include the unexpected stuff.

Annual Costs:

  • Vaccinations/Check-ups: Roughly $100-$200 a year for keeping your pupper up-to-date on shots and healthy.
  • Insurance: If you opt for insurance, and it’s not a bad idea, you’re looking at around $200-$600 each year.

Remember, owning a dog is a commitment, and while Poms aren’t the priciest pals, they do need your time and money to live a happy, healthy life. So make sure you’ve got both to give. Happy Pomeranian parenting!

Pomeranian Culture and Community

Pomeranian culture is vibrant, full of events and clubs where you can meet other Pomeranian owners. Celebrities and even royals love these fluffy companions.

Pomeranian Clubs and Events

Joining a Pomeranian club can be a fun way to meet other Pomeranian enthusiasts. There, you’re likely to find folks who share tips on grooming, health, and training. You might also learn about local events or get involved in Pomeranian dog shows. The American Kennel Club (AKC) often supports these types of clubs and events, offering resources to help understand your pet better.

  • Events to look out for:
    • Monthly meet-ups
    • Annual Pomeranian parades
    • AKC-sanctioned dog shows

Celebrity and Notable Owners

Pomeranians have fans in high places. They’ve been pampered by the British royal family — Queen Victoria owned a Pom named Marco. Today, celebrities with Pomeranians are often spotted in the media, which might make you feel like you’re part of an exclusive club. These dogs aren’t just cute; they’re companions to the stars.

  • Famous Pomeranian owners include:
    • Historical figures, like Queen Victoria
    • Modern-day celebrities, who often bring their Poms on the red carpet

Resources and Further Reading

When you’re looking to expand your knowledge on Pomeranians, it’s great to have a go-to list of resources. Whether you’re a new owner or a seasoned Pomeranian lover, there are books, online communities, and professional advice available to help you better understand and care for your fluffy companion.

Books and Guides

For in-depth insight into breed-specific care and grooming, you might find “Pomeranians For Dummies” helpful. Authored by pet experts, this guide offers practical advice on how to nurture your Pomeranian. It covers all aspects from diet, exercise, to grooming needs.

Online Forums and Groups

Connecting with other Pomeranian enthusiasts is as simple as joining an online forum or social media group. These platforms allow you to share stories, seek advice, and find support. Interacting with other owners can give you tips on daily care routines and recommended products specific to the breed that you might not find elsewhere.

Professional Advice

Sometimes, professional advice is indispensable, especially when it comes to your Pomeranian’s health. Establish a relationship with a vet who has experience with the Pomeranian breed. A good vet can offer guidance on health-related issues, from dental care to managing the fluffy double coat of your Pomeranian. Regular professional grooming can also keep your dog’s coat healthy and manage shedding.

By tapping into these resources, you can ensure that you’re well-equipped to give your Pomeranian the best care possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When considering bringing a Pomeranian into your home, you might have a few questions. Below you’ll find straightforward answers to some of the most common inquiries.

How much does a Pomeranian puppy typically cost?

Pomeranian puppies can vary in price significantly based on factors like lineage, location, and breeder reputation. Generally, you might expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1500 for a Pomeranian puppy.

What kind of temperament can I expect from a Pomeranian?

Pomeranians are known for their vivacious and inquisitive personality. They are alert, confident, and can be quite affectionate with their family members.

What are the different colors that Pomeranians come in?

Pomeranians boast a rainbow of coat colors, including black, white, chocolate, red, orange, cream, blue, sable, and even patterns like brindle and merle.

Can Pomeranians adapt well to living in a house?

Yes, Pomeranians can adapt well to house living due to their small size. They don’t need a large backyard but do enjoy regular exercise and playtime to keep them happy and healthy.

Do Pomeranians tend to bark more than other dog breeds?

Pomeranians have a reputation for being vocal which means they can tend to bark more than some other breeds. Training and socialization can help manage excessive barking.

Are Pomeranians known to be a friendly breed?

Pomeranians are generally friendly and enjoy being around their human companions. Early socialization is key to ensuring they’re comfortable and well-behaved around new people and pets.

Final Thoughts on the Pomeranian Dog

The Pomeranian is a captivating breed, beloved for its fluffy coat and lively personality. Despite their small size, they possess a bold and vibrant spirit that endears them to their owners. However, potential and current Pomeranian owners should be mindful of the breed’s susceptibility to various health issues ranging from cardiovascular and dermatological conditions to more serious neurological and musculoskeletal challenges.

Regular veterinary check-ups, a well-managed diet, and attentive care can help manage these health risks and ensure your Pomeranian lives a happy, healthy life. With the right care and plenty of love, a Pomeranian can be a joyful and affectionate companion, bringing warmth and energy to any home. Whether snuggling on a lap or playing games, the Pomeranian’s charm is undeniable, making it a cherished member of many families around the world.

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.