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Rough Collie German Shepherd Mix: The Ultimate Guide to the Shollie Dog

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

Rough Collie German Shepherd Mix

When we think about our canine companions, the qualities we often look for are intelligence, loyalty, and a loving nature. The Shollie, a designer dog that is a mix between a German Shepherd and a Rough Collie, encapsulates all these traits and more. These hybrid dogs are known for their keen intellect and devotion, which they inherit from their parent breeds — a blend that makes them quite the catch for any dog lover.

As we dive into the world of Shollies, we’ll uncover the characteristics that make this German Shepherd Collie mix such a unique and desirable pet. We’ve done our homework on designer mixed breed dogs and had a chat with Shollie owner, Esmarie Henning, to get the inside scoop. Esmarie’s experiences with her Shollie puppy, Eden, will shed light on what it’s like to bring up one of these spirited dogs.

Understanding the Shollie goes beyond just knowing their breed ancestry; it’s about seeing how these traits come to life in a domestic setting. With a first-hand account from Esmarie, we have the opportunity to see through the eyes of a Shollie owner and understand the joys and challenges that come with raising a pup like Eden. Whether you’re looking for your next furry family member or are simply intrigued by this impressive hybrid, we’re here to share all there is to know about the Shollie with pictures.

A Shollie dog is a special mixture of two very smart and active dog breeds: the Rough Collie and the German Shepherd. When we blend these two breeds together, the result is a furry friend with lots of energy and a sharp brain.

The Shollie is often known by a few different names such as:

  • German Shepherd Collie Mix
  • German Collie
  • Collie Shepherd

Let me tell you, Shollie dogs are quite the companions. They’ve got a knack for being super loyal and incredibly bold. It’s like getting the best of both worlds; the warm heart of a Rough Collie with the fearless attitude of a German Shepherd.

Here’s the quick scoop on Shollies From A Shollie Puppy Owner:

In the fascinating world of dog breeds, the Shollie — a mix between a Rough Collie and a German Shepherd — stands out not just for its striking appearance but also for its remarkable intelligence and emotional depth. To provide a deeper insight into living with a Shollie, we reached out to Esmarie Henning, a proud owner of a Shollie puppy named Eden. Through a series of quotes, Esmarie shares her firsthand experiences, shedding light on the unique traits and behaviors of her Shollie.

Esmarie begins by emphasizing the extraordinary emotional intelligence and intuition of Shollies: “I think the main thing I want to highlight is the emotional intelligence and intuition and just how fast they learn.” This intelligence, while a significant advantage, comes with its challenges. Eden’s ability to learn quickly is a double-edged sword. As Esmarie notes, “That can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing because he can also teach himself the wrong thing… he taught himself to potty in the bathroom, which made potty training trickier and he makes associations very fast (like the sound of a tuna tin opening).”

Interestingly, Eden doesn’t show signs of resource guarding, which Esmarie speculates could be due to a lower food drive: “He doesn’t resource guard (possibly doesn’t have a high food drive).” However, his love for learning keeps Esmarie on her toes: “He likes learning, so if I go a couple of days without doing training, he will try different things to initiate it by bringing me stuff.”

Eden’s quest for engagement is a constant: “He will do random stuff to ask for my engagement. He wants playtime and active engagement (like a luring activity, a new toy, or throwing something).” His affection for toys and social nature further highlight his personality: “He loves his toys. He gets very excited around other dogs and wants to be social.”

One of Eden’s more challenging traits is his knack for escape: “He is a massive escape artist and learns quickly how to get out of the house or a room. He outsmarts me.” Despite this, Esmarie clarifies that Eden isn’t destructive; rather, he thrives on attention, playtime, and engagement.

Esmarie Henning’s insights into life with Eden, her Shollie, underscore the breed’s incredible intelligence, emotional depth, and need for engagement. For potential Shollie owners, understanding these traits is crucial for providing a nurturing environment that caters to their physical and mental needs. Esmarie’s experiences with Eden highlight the joys and challenges of owning a Shollie, offering a valuable perspective for anyone considering adding this remarkable breed mix to their family.

Shollie Dog Origins and History

When we look at the Shollie, we’re talking about a mix between two very well-known dog breeds. It’s like getting the best of both worlds in terms of intelligence and herding abilities. Now, let’s dig a bit deeper into the backgrounds of each parent breed.

German Shepherd Background

The German Shepherd breed emerged in Germany in the late 19th century. We’re looking at a dog bred for its work ethic and intelligence, initially serving shepherds for herding sheep. Their capabilities didn’t go unnoticed for long, and soon they became favored for various services, including in the police and military. Today, the German Shepherd remains among the most popular and well-regarded breeds worldwide.

Collie Background

The Collie’s roots are steeped in the pastoral landscapes of Scotland and Northern England. When we think of the Collie, many of us might picture Lassie, the famous TV dog. Collies have been celebrated for centuries as diligent herding dogs, prized for their loyalty and responsiveness. This breed has a knack for hard work and being super smart, ideal characteristics for any working dog.

Rise of Designer Breeds

Nowadays, we’re seeing a trend where the loveable traits of two purebred dogs are combined, giving rise to what we call ‘designer breeds.’ This is exactly how our Shollie came to be — a blend of German Shepherd and Collie. They’re created to inherit the protective instincts and work drive from both their German and British herding ancestors. While not recognized as an official breed, Shollies have gained popularity for their mix of intelligence, energy, and loyalty.

Appearance and Physical Traits of The German Shepherd Rough Collie Mix

When we look at the German Shepherd Rough Collie mix, often called a Shollie, we’re talking about a dog that combines the strong build of the German Shepherd with the graceful stature of the Rough Collie. Let’s get into what makes their appearance so unique.

Size and Build

Shollies typically fall into the large category, with a weight range that can span from 50 to 75 pounds (23 to 34 kilograms). As for height, they often stand between 22 to 29 inches (56 to 74 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. Their build is usually sturdy and muscular, a reflection of their active nature and their lineage which includes working dogs.

Coat and Color

Talking about their coat, Shollies may have a short, medium, or long coat, influenced by their parents. While we think of these dogs as having long coats, the truth is both their GSD and the Collie parents can have shorter coats, leading to smooth or short coat Shollie. This is especially true if they come from a smooth Collie instead of a Rough Collie (which has a short coat)/

Their fur is most commonly dense and straight. The colors range widely including tan, black, red, white, sable, and sometimes even merle. Now, they’re not hypoallergenic and yes, they shed — usually quite a bit, especially during the change of seasons.

Recognizing a Shollie

How do we spot a Shollie? First, look at the face. They often possess the dolichocephalic nose — that means a long snout — like their German Shepherd parent. Their ears could be erect or may fold at the top corners just like a Rough Collie’s. Shollies can capture your attention with those expressive eyes that may even be blue. Overall, their distinct looks and noble stance make them quite recognizable.

Shollie Personality and Temperament

The Shollie, a blend between a German Shepherd and Rough Collie, boasts a multifaceted personality that combines loyalty, intelligence, and boundless energy. This friendly hybrid is both a protective guardian and an affectionate family member.

Behavioral Traits

Shollies are intelligent and fast learners, making them a joy to train. They thrive on mental stimulation and require regular activity to stay happy. Being extremely active and energetic, Shollies are not the type to lounge around all day; they love having a job to do.

While they are generally not aggressive, they can be prone to barking, which stems from their protective nature. However, potential owners should be aware of their tendency towards hyperactivity if not provided with enough exercise and mental engagement. Studies show genetics can also play a role in excessive fearfulness.

Their playful and fun-loving demeanor is a constant source of amusement, but they do require consistent training to manage their high energy levels effectively.

Compatibility with Families

As family dogs, Shollies are deeply loyal, loving, and affectionate companions. Their protective instincts make them excellent watchdogs. They generally get along well with children and can be quite playful, making them an ideal pet for active families. Introducing a Shollie to a household with other pets should be done with care; their high energy and intelligence can sometimes be overwhelming for other animals.

Family dogs like the Shollie benefit from regular grooming, and an important aspect of their care is understanding how often dogs need baths to stay clean and healthy; factors like activity level and coat type play a significant role in determining this.

In their role as a family dog, it’s essential to remember just how active and high energy they are. A Shollie will fit perfectly into the rhythms of a dynamic family life, returning the affection they receive manifold. A well-exercised Shollie is a joyous and loving addition to any home.

These dogs can have a strong prey drive and herding instinct, so may want to chase cats and other smaller animals. They do best when they have a sport or job to do to reduce unwanted behaviors.

Care and Training Of Rough Collie German Shepherd Mix

When we bring a Rough Collie German Shepherd mix into our lives, we’re committing to meeting their high energy needs and investing time in training that leverages their intelligence. This breed is eager to please and ready to learn, so let’s make sure we’re up to the task to ensure their happiness and health.

Exercise Needs

Our Shollie friends thrive on daily exercise and require it to keep both their bodies and minds healthy. These dogs are known for their high energy levels, so we need to provide them with:

  • At least two daily walks to keep them active.
  • Playtime that could include fetch or agility drills to burn extra energy. Dog owners should aim for at least an hour of intensive exercise for a Sholly a day.

Training Techniques

Training a Shollie isn’t just beneficial; it’s a necessity. Their smart brains soak up commands like sponges. Here are some quick tips for training:

  • Consistency is key. Always use the same commands for sit, come, stay, and down.
  • Positive reinforcement works wonders. Reward obedience with treats or praise.
  • Start with basic commands and gradually move up to more complex ones.

Dietary Requirements

A Shollie’s diet needs to fuel their active lifestyle without causing weight gain. Here’s a simple guide to their nutritional needs:

  • High-quality dog food that’s appropriate for their size, age, and activity level.
  • Be mindful of portion sizes and feed them twice a day.

With regular grooming, brushing, and the occasional bath, alongside careful attention to their teeth, keeping our Shollie looking and feeling good is a breeze. Remember, regular check-ups with the vet will help us manage their care routine effectively.

Caring for the Long Coat of a Rough Collie German Shepherd Mix

When we have a Shollie, managing their luscious coat is part of our daily routine. These dogs have a high potential for shedding, so regular grooming is key to keeping their coat healthy and to avoid matting.

Firstly, daily brushing is crucial. Using a de-shedding tool, like a slicker brush or an undercoat rake, can help us manage their shedding. This routine not only removes loose fur but also distributes oils throughout their coat, which is essential for a shiny and healthy appearance.

Bathing our Shollie too frequently can strip their coat of natural oils, so it’s important to find the right balance. Typically, they may only need a bath every few months unless they get particularly dirty. We can also use a dog-friendly shampoo that’s designed to reduce shedding and protect against allergies.

In terms of de-shedding, during peak shedding seasons, which usually happen during the spring and fall, we might need to increase the frequency of grooming sessions. This is also the perfect time to introduce special de-shedding treatments or supplements that can help reduce the amount of loose fur.

It’s important to address allergies that might arise from pet dander. Regular grooming of our Shollie not only benefits them but also helps to reduce allergens in our home. We should also wash their bedding regularly and possibly use an air purifier to keep the air clean.

Lastly, we must remember to check their coat for any signs of matting, especially in areas where the fur is denser like behind the ears or under the legs. If we find any tangles, it’s better to gently tease them apart with our fingers before attempting to brush them out.

Common Health Concerns

When we talk about the health of the crossbreed between a German Shepherd and a Rough Collie, it’s important to understand some of the specific health challenges they may face. Shollies can inherit health conditions common to their parent breeds, which include eye problems such as collie eye anomaly, and various issues that can affect their musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. Bloat is also a concern that needs to be closely monitored.

How Long Does a Shollie Live?

A Shollie’s lifespan typically ranges between 13 to 15 years, largely depending on their health and the care they receive. However, just like other breeds, Shollies can be prone to certain hereditary conditions that could impact their overall health and longevity.

  • Eye Issues: Shollies may inherit collie eye anomaly, a congenital condition found in Collies.
  • Musculoskeletal Issues: They could be at risk for musculoskeletal problems, such as joint issues, that are prevalent in large dog breeds.
  • Heart Issues: We should be aware that heart conditions that affect either the German Shepherd or the Collie could also be seen in Shollies.
  • Hormonal Issues: Conditions like diabetes mellitus can surface, which is commonly affecting Collies.
  • Bloat: This is a critical condition to watch for as bloat or gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) can be life-threatening and requires immediate veterinary attention. It is one of several nutritional risks to large breed dogs.

To maintain our Shollies’ health, regular check-ups with a vet are essential. This allows us to catch and manage any of these concerns early, ensuring our Shollie friends live long and healthy lives.

Adoption and Breeding

When we’re considering bringing a Shollie into our lives, it’s important to understand our options. We can opt to adopt from shelters or work directly with breeders.

Finding a Shollie


Adopting a Shollie can be a rewarding experience. Many dogs, including mixed breeds like the Shollie, are waiting for homes in animal shelters or with rescue organizations. Adopting gives us the opportunity to offer a second chance to a dog in need, and it’s often less expensive than purchasing a dog from a breeder. When we adopt, we may not always find a purebred, but the love and companionship of a crossbreed like the Shollie is abundant.

Rescue Groups

Specialty rescue groups for German Shepherds or Collies sometimes have Shollies as well. These groups often know the dogs’ temperaments and can match us with a dog that fits our lifestyle.

Working with Breeders

Choosing a Breeder: If we’re set on a Shollie puppy, it’s crucial to find a responsible breeder. Reputable breeders prioritize the health and temperament of their puppies. They should provide health clearances for the puppy’s parents and welcome us to visit and meet the mother and the litter.

  • Questions to Ask:
    • What are the parents’ temperaments like?
    • Can we meet the parents?
    • What health screenings have been done?

Avoiding Puppy Mills

Be cautious. We must avoid puppy mills and pet stores, which often prioritize profit over the well-being of the animals. These places might not provide the healthiest environment for puppies to grow up in, and they often contribute to the overpopulation problem.

By keeping this information in mind, we’ll be well on our way to finding the right Shollie for our family, whether through adoption or a dedicated breeder.

Living Conditions

When we bring a Shollie into our home, we need to consider their love for space and activity. This large and energetic breed thrives in an environment that can cater to their active lifestyle.

Home Environment

Shollies are large dogs that require sufficient space to move and play. Houses with large, fenced yards are ideal because we’ll give them plenty of room to burn off their energy. When they’re well-exercised, they are less likely to display destructive behavior. For those of us living in apartments, it’s important to note that a Shollie may not be suitable due to limited space. These dogs are happiest when they can roam and play in a sizable environment.

  • Recommended: Spacious home with a yard
  • Not Recommended: Small apartments or confined spaces

Adapting to Lifestyle Changes

A Shollie might be a large dog, but it’s also adaptable and trainable, which helps them adjust to changes in our lifestyle. However, this doesn’t mean they’ll do well in tight spaces for long periods. If we’re active and can include them in our daily activities, a Shollie will likely be a content and loyal companion, fitting into our lives seamlessly. It’s also essential we socialize them early so they can confidently handle the comings and goings of our busy lives, ensuring their protective nature is well-managed.

How Much Does a Shollie Puppy Typically Cost?

When we’re considering bringing a new Shollie puppy into our home, one of the first questions we ask is, “How much will it cost?” The answer isn’t always straightforward, as the price of a Shollie puppy can vary quite a bit. To help us understand what we might spend, let’s break down the factors that affect the cost.

  • Breeder’s Reputation: If we’re buying from a well-known breeder who has a great track record, we might need to pay more. These breeders often invest more into the health and care of their puppies, which can increase the price.
  • Location: Our location can affect the cost too. Some areas might have higher demand or fewer breeders, which can drive up the price.

Here’s a quick look at what we might expect to pay:

Cost FactorPrice Range
From reputable breeder$500 – $1,000
Additional costsVaries (additional for food, pet insurance, vet care, etc.)

Remember, these prices are just a guideline. Sometimes, breeders might charge more for puppies with specific traits or if they come from a line of award-winning dogs. It’s also important to think about other costs that come with getting a puppy. Things like dog food, pet insurance, grooming, and vet trips all add up.

When we budget for our new Shollie, we need to consider both the upfront cost of the puppy and the ongoing expenses of dog ownership. By planning ahead, we can ensure we’re ready to welcome our new furry friend without any financial surprises.

Socialization and Activities

When we bring a Rough Collie German Shepherd mix into our lives, we’re not just getting a pet; we’re inviting a highly intelligent and loyal companion into our family. It’s crucial for us to engage them in regular socialization and activities that cater to their heritage as both a herding and working dog.

Interacting with Other Pets

We want our Shollie to be as gentle and friendly as possible, which means introducing them to other pets early on is a must. It’s key to remember that because Shollies come from herding stock, their natural instinct might drive them to herd other pets.

Starting these introductions in a controlled and calm environment helps our Collie Shepherd Mix understand how to interact appropriately. We can use short, supervised sessions where our dog is praised for good behavior to build up positive associations.

Remember, socialization from a young age is vital for this enthusiastic and sensitive dog.

Engaging in Dog Sports

Dog sports are a fantastic way to meet the exercise needs of our energetic Shollie. They’re not just intelligent dogs; they’re also high-spirited and thrive on obedience and learning new skills. Activities like agility, herding trials, and flyball can channel their energy and intelligence effectively. It’s here that our German Shepherd Collie Mix’s trainability and loyalty really come into play. By engaging in these sports, we’re not only keeping them physically fit but also mentally sharp. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for both of us to bond and show mutual affection through play and teamwork.

Color Variations

When we talk about the Shollie dog, it’s their coat color that really catches our eye. We’ll explore the genetic influences and the assortment of hues these beautiful dogs can sport.

Understanding the Genetics of Color

So, here’s the scoop on how our Shollie pals get their colors. Their parent breeds, the Rough Collie and the German Shepherd, pass down a mix of genes that decide the pup’s final coat color. Sable, tan, black, and red are some common shades these genes create. It’s kind of like a lottery where the pup can end up with a variety of color combinations.

Identifying Unique Shollie Colors

Now, let’s get into some color specifics:

  • Sable: This is when each fur strand has a bit of black at the tip. It’s a classic look for these pups.
  • Tan: Lots of Shollies have tan, especially around the face and legs.
  • Black: You might see some Shollies with a lot of black or just black markings.
  • White: It’s less common, but some of these mixes have white fur, often on their chest or paws.
  • Red: A rarer hue that can appear, giving them a rich, warm look.
  • Cream and blue are not as common, but they can appear.

The fur (or coat) of Shollie dogs can be a real rainbow, thanks to their Rough Collie and German Shepherd parents. Each one’s mix of colors is unique, making each dog one of a kind in their appearance. They can also inherit the merle gene from the Rough Collie. Just keep in mind this color pattern is linked to issues like deafness.

Community and Resources

When we talk about caring for a Shollie, reaching out to a community of fellow owners can be super helpful. Whether online or in person, these communities provide great resources, ideas, and support.

Online Groups and Forums

We know that getting advice from others who also love Shollies can be a game-changer. There’s a bunch of online groups and forums where you can find tips and share your own experience. Websites like Shollie Guide have forums for discussions ranging from training to diet. Facebook also has specific groups for Shollie owners where people often post advice, ask questions, and share adorable pictures of their pups.

  • Popular Online Platforms:
    • Facebook Groups
    • Shollie-specific forums
    • General dog owner forums

We recommend checking out individual posts and the group guidelines to get the most out of these online spaces.

Local Shollie Clubs

While online resources are great, sometimes you might want a face-to-face connection. That’s where local Shollie clubs come into the picture. They are fantastic places for you and your Shollie to make new pals and learn from others in person. You can find these clubs through vets, pet stores, or by a quick Google search. These clubs might host meet-ups, training sessions, and even Shollie-themed events.

  • Benefits of Local Clubs:
    • In-person advice and support
    • Socialization opportunities for your Shollie
    • Events and activities for learning and fun

By getting involved with these communities, we give ourselves and our Shollies the chance to thrive.

Interesting Facts

Have you ever seen a Shollie? They’re our kind of designer dog — not like a handbag, but a truly special mix of our favorite herding pals, German Shepherds and Border Collies. Honestly, we think they’re super intriguing!

  • Characteristics: These guys are a medium to large bunch. Most Shollies stand proud at about 22 to 26 inches if they’re boys, and 20 to 24 inches for the girls. We’re talking about a hefty friend, typically ranging from 60 to 95 pounds. How they look can vary, but generally, you’d spot them by their lush, beautiful coats.
  • Personality: Let’s chat about who they are on the inside. Shollies take the best parts of their parents. They’re super intelligent, thanks to both German Shepherds and Border Collies being known for their smarts. It’s like getting an A+ in doggy school without even trying!
  • Unique Qualities: These pups have energy for days and love a good adventure. They are fun, curious, and make excellent adventure buddies. Imagine a furry friend who can hike up a trail and learn tricks at the snap of your fingers!

On the hunt for a hypoallergenic mate? Well, Shollies might not fit the bill as they’re not typically hypoallergenic, but they make up for it with heaps of love and affection.

So, that’s our Shollie roundup. Smart, fun, and full of life – what’s not to love?


We’ve heard so many amazing stories from owners of Rough Collie German Shepherd mixes. Their experiences are filled with joy, and it’s clear these dogs have made a mark in their lives. Here’s what some owners have to share:

  • Sam’s Story: “We got our Shollie, Rocket, as a puppy. He was a bundle of energy, always ready to play and go for walks. At first, we were worried about keeping up with him. But after a strict routine of twice-daily exercise, he became the best companion we could ask for.”
  • Mia’s Experience: “Our Shollie, Willow, is the smartest dog we’ve ever had. Her intelligence is something else — she’s a quick learner and loves to please. We’ve had no regrets; Willow is a perfect blend of loyalty and brains.”
  • List of Traits from Various Owners:
    • Loyal
    • Intelligent
    • High Energy
    • Requires regular exercise
  • Chris’s Testimonial: “I always wanted a large dog, and our Shollie, Chief, fits the bill perfectly. He’s about 26 inches tall and has the most beautiful coat. He’s protective of our family, constant and gentle. It’s like he understands us.”

Every testimonial shows us that Shollies are not just pets, they’re family members who bring lots of happiness and activity to our lives. While they do require effort in terms of exercise and mental stimulation, the rewards of their companionship are immeasurable.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We often get asked questions about the Shollie, a popular mix between a Rough Collie and a German Shepherd. Here are some of the most common inquiries we receive.

What are the main characteristics of a Shollie’s appearance?

Shollies typically have a lush, dense coat reflecting their Rough Collie heritage, while often inheriting the distinctive facial features and body shape of the German Shepherd. These beautiful coats come in various colors, including black, brown, and golden.

Are Shollie dogs good family pets?

Absolutely, Shollies can make excellent family pets. They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and protective nature. However, due to their high energy levels, they’re better suited for families that can provide ample space and time for exercise.

How can I find Shollie puppies available for sale?

To find Shollie puppies, you might want to start by researching reputable breeders who specialize in this mix. Additionally, checking with local shelters or rescue groups could lead you to a Shollie in need of a loving home.

What should I consider before getting a Shollie dog?

Before bringing a Shollie into your home, consider their need for exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization. They also require consistent training and grooming due to their intelligent nature and dense coats.

How big do Shollie dogs usually get when fully grown?

On average, male Shollies stand between 22 to 26 inches tall, while females range from 20 to 24 inches. They can weigh anywhere from 60 to 95 pounds, with males generally being larger than females. Their size is a reflection of their mixed breed heritage.

Final Thoughts

When we talk about the Shollie, we’re looking at a dog with a bundle of energy and a heart full of loyalty. These pups need constant activity to stay happy and healthy. Twice a day, at least, we should grab a ball or a Frisbee and make time for a game that gets them moving.

Here’s what we should remember about our Shollie friends:

  • Size: They’re a medium to large breed, so space is important.
  • Coat: That beautiful, lush coat? It needs regular grooming.
  • Intelligence: We’ve got a smart cookie on our hands; brain games should be part of the routine.
  • Exercise: Active playtime isn’t a maybe; it’s a must to keep their energy levels in check.

We’re sure to have our hands full with a Shollie, but the rewards far outweigh the work. That’s because the Shollie lifespan is generous, giving us about 13 to 15 years with our furry friend.

So, let’s get ready for a journey full of fetch, walks, and maybe a little bit of fur on the couch. If we stay committed to their needs, we’ll have a loyal companion like no other.

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.