Why dogs eat rocks is a puzzling and pressing question for pet owners who are dealing with this dangerous behavior. This unusual habit may result in potential health risks and complications for the beloved canine.
Understanding the motives behind a dog’s consumption of rocks is crucial for pet owners to tackle the issue appropriately. This way, owners can intervene and take the necessary steps, like getting an anti-chew dog spray to keep your dogs from eating rocks.
While there are various reasons behind this peculiar activity, it is important to understand the possible causes and seek appropriate solutions to prevent any harm to the dog. To help us with this issue, we are going to refer to Decoding Your Dog as an expert source on dealing with unwanted behaviors like rock eating in dogs.
So, Why Does My Dog Eat Rocks and Dirt?
The major reason for dogs eating rocks is pica, an eating disorder where they compulsively consume non-food items such as rocks or stones. It might also indicate nutritional deficiencies, health conditions, boredom, and stress. Teething puppies sometimes munch on stones and there may be a genetic component to indiscriminate eating in dogs.
9 Reasons for Dogs Eating Rocks
If your canine has been happily munching on stones, you’re reasonably worried. Unlike many other canine behaviors like eating their vomit and eating your socks, stone eating is harmful to their health.
Understanding the reason your pup eats rocks is the first step to treating the behavior. These nine common reasons for dogs eating rocks will help you decide whether to consult your vet or make lifestyle changes.
1. Pica
Pica is a behavioral disorder that causes dogs to consume non-food items like rocks and sticks. Some dogs may develop this condition due to medical issues, while others may do it out of curiosity. A study of 58 purebred and mixed breeds found that pica was most common in young and neutered dogs.
Dogs eating rocks can be a sign of pica resulting from underlying gastrointestinal problems or neurological issues or even genetics, as it seems more common in breeds like Retrievers. A proper medical evaluation is necessary to determine the cause and develop a treatment plan.
2. Boredom
Dogs may resort to eating rocks when they are bored. Similar to humans, dogs require mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Insufficient exercise may lead dogs to search for alternativ-e-archive means of engaging their curiosity, including chewing on and consuming rocks.
Providing mental enrichment, such as puzzles, toys, and interactive play, can help reduce your dog’s boredom and prevent rock-eating behavior. Check out our article on how to exercise your dog indoors to provide them with much-needed stimulation.
3. Anxiety
Anxiety can lead dogs to engage in destructive behavior, including eating rocks. Stressors, such as separation anxiety, fear, or a change in the environment, can trigger this unusual habit in dogs. Pica (eating non-food items) is also connected to anxiety, as this behavior shows up in about 45% of anxious dogs.
A Swedish study found that long-term stress in owners can cause the same in dogs. Therefore, anxiety-related rock eating in dogs may be related to what you’re feeling around your pup. Other signs to watch out for include:
- Restlessness;
- Hiding;
- Tucked in tail;
- Pinned ears;
- Reduced appetite; and
- Vocalization.
Helping your dog feel secure and providing calming techniques, such as gentle petting or exposure to soothing music, can help alleviate anxiety and curb the tendency to consume rocks.
4. Nutritional Deficiencies for Dogs Eating Rocks (is it a Myth?)
Many people claim that dogs may eat rocks due to an unbalanced diet or nutritional deficiencies and it might be an attempt to obtain minerals or other nutrients missing from their food. There is no real evidence for this.
A study asserted that explaining dogs eating unusual substances like grass due to nutritional imbalances is speculative at best. This is because the study showed that grass-eating was mostly unaffected by a dog’s diet.
There really is no reason to believe that a lack of vitamins or minerals causes a dog to eat rocks, any more than it would cause them to eat socks or rubber balls. Nevertheless, there is no harm in ensuring your dog has a good vitamin supplement for optimum health.
5. Teething in Puppies
Puppies may eat rocks to alleviate discomfort during the teething process. Chewing on objects, including rocks, can help alleviate the pain and pressure of new teeth growing. However, swallowing rocks can be hazardous to their health, and it is essential to provide safe chewing alternativ-e-archives like dog toys or teething rings.
6. Breed Predisposition
Less commonly, the breed can affect your dog’s frequency of eating rocks. Breeds like working breeds or retrieving dogs may feel the need to carry something in their mouth. This need results in these dogs attempting to carry stones due to their genetic predisposition.
7. Dental Pain
Dogs with dental issues like gum disease or tooth pain may chew on rocks as a way to alleviate discomfort in their mouths. You’ll notice other signs like bad breath, gum color changes, and cavities if dental issues are the reason for the stone eating.
In the video below, the Belgian Malinois appears to be chewing on a rock for no other reason than they want to chew on something:
8. Attention-Seeking Behavior
Dogs are social animals and may engage in behaviors like eating rocks to attract attention from their owners, especially if they’ve received a response or scolding for it in the past.
The attention you give your dog to fuel the behavior doesn’t even have to be positive. Most dogs are happy to receive a slight scolding if it means getting your attention. Your dog will keep at the behavior if they believe it will shift your focus to them.
9. Canine Compulsive Behaviors
Dogs eating, chewing, or swallowing stones can be considered an example of canine compulsive behavior due to several factors. Compulsive behaviors in dogs often involve repetitive and ritualistic actions that serve no apparent purpose. In this case, the dog’s obsession with stones can lead to a compulsive behavior pattern where the dog continually seeks out stones, chews on them, and may even swallow them.
In fact, compulsive behaviors like shadow chasing often have higher correlation of pica-like behaviors when dogs eat something that isn’t food.
One possible explanation for this behavior is that the dog finds the act of chewing on stones to be self-rewarding or soothing. The sensation of chewing may release endorphins in the brain, providing a pleasurable experience for the dog. Over time, the dog may develop a compulsive habit, as the behavior becomes ingrained and the dog seeks out stones as a means of self-soothing or stress relief.
Additionally, dogs with compulsive tendencies may engage in repetitive behaviors as a way to alleviate boredom or anxiety. If the dog lacks appropriate mental stimulation or is experiencing stress, chewing on stones may serve as a coping mechanism. This behavior can become compulsive if the dog relies heavily on stone chewing to manage their emotions, leading to a cycle where the dog constantly seeks out stones and engages in the behavior to relieve their anxiety.
Is It OK For Dogs To Eat Rocks?

Dogs shouldn’t eat rocks due to the negative health effects of the behavior, like intestinal blockage and choking. Here are a few effects of rock-eating in dogs:
Intestinal Blockages
Dogs that consume rocks are at a heightened risk of developing intestinal blockages. These blockages occur when rocks or stones become lodged in a dog’s gut, causing discomfort and potentially requiring surgery to fix the issue. Intestinal blockages can lead to various unpleasant and dangerous results, affecting a dog’s overall health.
Another health risk associated with dogs eating rocks is the potential for choking. When a dog ingests a rock, they risk choking on it if it is too large to pass through their throat. This can be extremely dangerous and may require immediate intervention to prevent serious injury or even death.
Dental Issues
Chewing on rocks can also cause various dental issues for dogs. The hard surface of the rocks can damage their teeth, potentially leading to fractures and weakening of the tooth structure. Additionally, this behavior can cause gum injuries and abrasions that can result in infection if not properly treated.
Lastly, dogs that eat rocks may inadvertently expose themselves to parasites. This is because some rocks and soil may be contaminated with parasite eggs or larvae. If a dog consumes a rock contaminated with parasite eggs or larvae, these parasites can then establish themselves within the dog’s body, potentially leading to serious health issues.
How Do I Stop My Dog From Eating Rocks? Step-by-Step Guide
Limit Off-Leash Time to Stone-Free Areas
Keep Dogs on Leash in Parks
Utilize Muzzles
Use Crates or Confinement
Provide Appropriate Chew Toys and Activities
Behavioral Training
Increased Exercise and Mental Stimulation
Therefore, it’s vital to provide them with opportunities to engage in exercise, like regular walks or play sessions. Additionally, incorporating interactive toys and puzzle games can help alleviate any mental boredom or frustration that could lead to rock-eating behavior.
Dietary Adjustments
If you’re unsure about your dog’s diet, consult with your veterinarian about appropriate food options and potential supplements. Ensuring that your dog’s nutritional needs are met will not only improve their overall health but also help curb the desire to eat rocks.
Veterinary Intervention
A veterinarian can examine your dog to determine if any underlying health problems, such as gastrointestinal issues or dental pain, may contribute to the behavior.
Medications may sometimes be prescribed to manage your dog’s condition and stop the rock-eating habit. Additionally, the vet may recommend further preventive measures, like using a basket muzzle during walks to prevent access to rocks.
What Do I Do If My Dog Throws Up a Rock?
If your dog throws up a rock, it’s important to remain calm and take immediate action. First, examine the vomit to confirm that your dog has indeed thrown up a rock. Look for any signs of blood or additional foreign objects that may have been ingested with the rock.
Next, monitor your dog for any signs of discomfort. Watch for symptoms such as lethargy, abdominal pain, and changes in their bowel movements, such as diarrhea, bloating, or constipation. Be sure to watch their behavior closely, as these symptoms can sometimes be difficult to identify in dogs.
In some cases, your dog may continue to experience discomfort even after throwing up the rock. If this is the case, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. Provide a detailed account of the incident, including information about the size and type of the rock and any symptoms your dog has experienced since vomiting.
One of the most effective ways to prevent your dog from ingesting rocks is to address any underlying causes. This could include providing a more balanced diet to address potential nutritional deficiencies causing pica. Ensure your dog can access appropriate toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated and reduce their desire to chew on inappropriate objects.
Lastly, be vigilant when walking your dog outdoors. Take note of their surroundings and keep them away from areas where they may be exposed to rocks or other potentially harmful objects. In doing so, you can help to minimize the risk of your dog eating rocks in the future.
Can Dogs Die From Eating Rocks?
Yes, sadly dogs can potentially die from eating rocks, especially if the rocks are too large and cause an obstruction in the digestive tract. If a dog cannot pass the rock, it can lead to serious complications and, in some cases, may be fatal.
Immediate veterinary attention is necessary if you suspect your dog has eaten a large rock or is showing symptoms like vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
Can Dogs Live with Rocks in their Stomach?
It is possible for dogs to live with small rocks in their stomach for a short period, but it is not a long-term solution. The presence of rocks in the stomach can cause irritation and may lead to more serious complications. It is essential to consult a vet if you suspect your dog has ingested rocks as they may need to be surgically removed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
My Dog Ate a Rock Will It Pass?
How long after eating a rock will a dog get sick?
Why is My Dog Eating Rocks and Vomiting?
Final Thoughts
While dogs eating rocks may seem perplexing and potentially dangerous, it is normal canine behavior. It’s best to investigate the cause of the rock-eating to determine if your pup needs veterinary attention. However, the behavior is risky because swallowed stones can cause intestinal blockage and dental injury and should thus be discouraged.
Meet Your Experts

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.