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Pug Corgi Mix Breed Dog: An Adorable Guide to the Porgi Dog - PawSafe

Pug Corgi Mix Breed Dog: An Adorable Guide to the Porgi Dog

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

Pug Corgi mix breed dog

Imagine a dog with the sturdy, low-slung body of a Corgi and the wide, wrinkly face of a Pug. This is the Pug Corgi mix, commonly known as a “Porgi” “Pug Corgi” or simply a “Corgi Pug mix”. It’s a breed that combines two very popular dogs, each with distinctive looks and personalities. You might get the best of both worlds with this mix: the Pug’s fun-loving nature and the Corgi’s herding instincts.

When you’re thinking about bringing a Pug Corgi mix into your home, it’s essential to know what kind of pet you’re signing up for. These dogs can inherit traits from either parent breed, so they might have the strong will of a Corgi or the laid-back attitude of a Pug. Typically, they end up being affectionate, loyal companions that fit well into most households. Since this is a mixed breed, there’s always a bit of surprise in how each puppy turns out!

Let’s break this down.


This is a small, affectionate dog with a wrinkly face, hailing from China. They love to play, and they’re super friendly.


You’ve got two types here, the Pembroke and Cardigan. Both are herding dogs, once used to herd cattle. They’re known for their short legs and long body.

When you mix these two, the Porgi has features from both. You might notice a Porgi has the short stature of the Corgis but the sociable personality of a Pug.


SizeSmall to medium, stocking legs like a corgi
CoatMedium length, could be various colors
TailMight be curly like a Pug’s or long like a Cardigan’s
EarsMore likely to be pointy due to the Corgi genes

Porgis are considered mixed breed dogs. That means they’re not purebreds, but a mixture of two different breeds. Because of this, their looks and temperament might vary quite a lot.  They are also not recognized by most Kennel Clubs, like the American Kennel Club (AKC)

So, if you’re considering a Porgi, you’re in for a treat with a dog that’s likely to be friendly and playful, much like its Pug parent, but don’t be surprised by their herding instinct from their Corgi lineage. Just imagine a mix of fun and feisty in a cute, compact package — that’s your Porgi.

You may also want to check out other Pug and Corgi Designer Dog Breeds like the Pugapoo and the German Corgi.

Porgi Personality Traits

Porgi dog face looking up; Pug color Corgi long hair

When considering a Porgi, it’s the blend of a Pug and Corgi’s characteristics you’re bringing into your home. Friendly and affectionate, Porgis are as loyal as they come, boasting a playful energy that’s perfect for family life. Let’s break down what you can expect from these little bundles of joy with their unique personality traits.

Behavioral Traits

Porgis are intelligent and fun-loving, making them quick learners who are earnestly eager to please. You’ll find your Porgi is playful, often exhibiting bursts of energy that perfectly capture their happiness. However, they may inherit the stubborn streak of a Pug, which might require patience and consistent training on your part.

Socialization Needs

Socialization is key with Porgis. Their friendly nature makes them great with people and other pets, but early socialization helps nurture their loving temperament. Without it, they may develop separation anxiety due to their high affectionate nature. Make sure you’re ready to provide the companionship and attention that a social pet like the Porgi needs.

Corgi Herding Instinct

Even though they’re small, Porgis can inherit the Corgi herding instinct, often exhibiting behaviors like nipping at heels or circling. Their energy levels can reflect that of a working dog, so be prepared for lots of activity and give them plenty of play to satisfy their instincts. On the plus side, this instinct also means Porgis are loyal and protective companions.

Pug Corgi Mix Dog Physical Characteristics

Porgi dog standing long body from Corgi and short face from Pug dog parent

When you see a Pug Corgi mix — often called a Porgi — you’re looking at a unique combination of the stocky build and adorable features of two beloved breeds. They’ll steal your heart with their unique look, which is a blend of the Pug’s charm and the Corgi’s stature.

Physical Appearance

Your Porgi will most likely sport the distinctive Pug facial attributes like a shortened nose, folded ears, and large, expressive eyes. Expect some of the Corgi’s influence, too, with the longer body shape. The mix can have physical traits that are a combination of both breeds, such as the Pug’s iconic wrinkles and the Corgi’s pointed ears, occasionally resulting in one ear up and one ear down.

Typical Porgi Size?

On average, a full-grown Porgi stands about 10 to 13 inches at the shoulder and can weigh between 18 and 30 pounds. Their height and weight can vary quite a bit, though, due to the variability inherited from their purebred parents.

Coat and Colors

These mixed breed pups often have a double coat that can range from the soft, short fur typical of Pugs to a slightly longer length seen in some Corgis. In terms of color, a Porgi’s coat may show off the classic fawn of a Pug or carry the various hues seen in Corgis, such as red, sable, tan, or black. This diverse palette may also be mixed or patterned, giving each Porgi a distinct and eye-catching appearance.

Common Health Issues in Porgis?

When you’re considering a Pug Corgi mix, or Porgi, it’s important to know about the potential health issues they may face. Porgis often inherit conditions from their parent breeds, the Pug and the Corgi, so it’s good to be informed.

Weight Management

Your Porgi loves to eat, but watch out for weight gain. Stay on top of their nutrition to prevent obesity, which can lead to more serious issues.

Joint Problems

Both Pugs and Corgis can have hip and elbow dysplasia. This means your dog might have joint pain or restrictions in movement.

  • Patellar luxation – Your Porgi might have a kneecap that slips out of place.
  • Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) – Since Porgis can have long backs, spinal issues are possible.

Eye Conditions

Porgis are at risk of inheriting some eye problems. Both the Pug and the Corgi are prone to a number of eye issues.

  • Cataracts – These can lead to cloudy vision and possibly blindness if not treated.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) and glaucoma – Regular vet checks can catch these early.

Other Health Issues

  • Degenerative myelopathy – A condition affecting the spinal cord, leading to hind limb weakness.
  • Elbow dysplasia – Similar to hip dysplasia but affects the elbows.

Remember, good proper nutrition and regular vet check-ups go a long way in managing your Porgi’s health. While Porgis’ life expectancy can be similar to Pugs and Corgis, with care, you can help ensure they live a full, happy life. Note that Porgis are not typically hypoallergenic dogs, so if you have allergies, this may not be the breed for you.

Trainability of Porgis?

Porgi dog sitting with Corgi raised ears and smaller Pug body; Corgi Pug mix breed

When you bring a Porgi into your life, you might wonder about teaching them some cool tricks. Porgis are a mix of Pug and Corgi, which means their trainability is a blend of both breeds’ characteristics. Let’s look at what that means for you.


First things first, Porgis are quite smart. Both Pugs and Corgis have good brains, and this mix is no exception. Your Porgi can learn a variety of commands if you take the time to teach them.

  • Positive Reinforcement – Always go for the positive stuff – treats and praises. Your Porgi will respond better when they know there’s something yummy or a good pat in it for them.
  • Consistency —  Stick to your training schedule. Porgis will pick up cues faster if you keep things regular and predictable.

Stubborn Streak 

Just a heads up, Porgis might show a bit of a stubborn side sometimes. It’s important to be patient and keep training sessions upbeat and short. Like, less than 15 minutes is perfect.

  • Firm and Gentle – Be the pack leader, but do it gently. No harsh words or actions; they can be sensitive.

Social Skills 

You’ll want to get your Porgi used to people and other pets early.

In short, with a bit of patience, consistency, and lots of loving affirmations, your Porgi can be a training superstar!

Best Diet for Porgis?

When choosing the ideal diet for your Porgi puppy, it’s essential to focus on their unique nutritional needs, especially since they have a rapid metabolism. At the core of their diet should be:

High-Quality Protein

Ideally, 30% of their diet should be protein, coming from animal sources like poultry, fish, or rabbit. Variety is beneficial, but avoid pork and aim for less red meat.

Fats for Energy

Fats should make up about 10 to 20% of the diet; these are crucial for energy and can be reduced as they grow. Aim for a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. A 5:1 ratio is optimal for immune health.

Complex Carbohydrates

About 40% of their diet should be composed of carbohydrates. Good options include brown rice and oats. These help to regulate blood glucose and support gut health.


Aim for a blend of 4 to 5% soluble and insoluble fibers to aid in digestion and nutrient absorption.

Specific Nutrients

DHA (and other Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA)  is vital for brain development and lowering inflammation, and a proper calcium to phosphorus ratio (1.4:1) supports bone health. Avoid supplements unless advised by your vet. However, you can give your dog extra vitamin E as safe anti-oxidant.

When Selecting Food:

  1. Opt for fresh or minimally processed options if possible, ensuring they are complete and balanced according to AAFCO guidelines.
  2. Read labels carefully for ingredient quality and macronutrient profiles.
  3. Choose puppy-specific formulas to support rapid growth and developmental needs.
  4. Monitor weight to avoid obesity; seek guidance from your vet for portion sizes and feeding schedules.
  5. Steer clear from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Instead, look for natural antioxidants and probiotics for a healthy immune system and gut.

Having more frequent, smaller meals may help prevent hypoglycemia, especially in very small or toy breed puppies. Remember, a healthy diet now sets the foundation for your Porgi’s long-term health and well-being.

Grooming Needs of Porgis

Caring for your Porgi pal isn’t just about playtime and exercise. Keeping them happy also means meeting their grooming needs. You might find grooming your Porgi to be a special time to bond. Let’s look at what you’ll need to do to keep your pup looking and feeling great.


Your Porgi’s coat is a big deal. It’s what gets them all those “awws” and smiles at the park! Brushing their fur a few times a week removes loose hair and reduces shedding. Plus, it’s relaxing for you both.


Bathtime can be fun, but don’t overdo it. Too much bathing can dry out their skin. Aim for a bath every few months or when your Porgi gets dirty. Use dog-friendly shampoo to keep their coat shiny.

Nail Trimming

Trim those nails regularly to keep your Porgi tip-toeing and not tap-dancing. If you hear clicking on the floor, it’s time for a trim. Don’t worry, with treats and positive reinforcement, your Porgi can learn to be okay with it.

Ear and Teeth Cleaning

Clean those ears to prevent infections, and brush their teeth for a sparkling smile. Dental chews can be a big help, too.

Exercise and Training

Porgis have moderate energy levels, so mix in some activity with grooming. Exercise and training go hand in hand with grooming. Not only do they keep your Porgi healthy, but they can also make grooming a lot easier. Practices like potty training using positive reinforcement make for a well-rounded routine.

Remember, grooming is not just a chore; it’s time spent with your family companion. Keep it light-hearted, keep it fun, and your Porgi will look forward to grooming as much as they do for playtime and cuddles!

How Much Does the Pug Corgi Mix Cost?

If you’re considering buying a Pug Corgi Mix puppy, you should know that prices can vary widely. On average, the cost for a Pug Corgi Mix puppy might range from $100 to $1,000. Why such a range? Well, it depends on factors like the breeder’s reputation and  location.


Don’t forget about adoption as a wallet-friendly and compassionate option. It’ll likely cost less, around $50 to $300, which usually covers vaccinations and spaying/neutering. It’s worth checking out local shelters or rescue groups that specialize in Pugs or Corgis.

Ongoing Costs

You’ve got your little buddy home, now what? Remember, there are ongoing costs for maintaining a healthy dog. Here’s a breakdown to help you budget:

  • Food –  High-quality dog food costs about $30 to $50 per month.
  • Vet Visits – Regular check-ups, which include vaccinations and annual exams, can run $100 to $300 annually.
  • Pet Insurance – To cover unexpected illnesses or accidents, pet insurance might be $20 to $50 a month.
  • Miscellaneous – Don’t forget to budget for toys, beds, and grooming, which might be about $50 to $100 a year.

By considering these costs, you’re taking an important step in ensuring you can provide a loving, stable home for your new pup.

Ideal Living Environment for Porgis?

If you’re thinking about welcoming a Porgi into your home, you’ll want to create an environment that suits their social and energetic nature. These mixed breed companions thrive in settings where they can be close to their family and partake in daily activities.

Are Porgis Child-Friendly?

Porgis are known to have a friendly and affectionate personality, which makes them great family pets. So yes, they typically get along well with kids! But remember, because of their size and energetic nature, it’s important to supervise playtime to keep both your children and your Porgi safe. Teach your kids how to play gently with your four-legged friend to ensure a happy coexistence.


Your Porgi is sensitive and may be quite vocal, expressing their feelings openly. Luckily, these pooches are pretty adaptable. They’ll do well in an apartment as long as they get ample exercise and mental stimulation. However, they’ll love a home with a yard just as much – being a mix of Pug and Corgi, they’ve got a lot of energy to burn. Just make sure your yard is secure; these curious canines may take off chasing a scent or a squirrel!

Whether in an apartment or a house with a yard, what’s essential is your companionship. These dogs crave attention and thrive on being part of the family’s day-to-day life. Remember, the ideal home for a Porgi is one filled with love, play, and plenty of cuddles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Before you decide to bring a Corgi Pug mix into your home, it’s smart to get the lowdown on this unique crossbreed. Here are answers to some questions you might have.

What is the average price of a Corgi Pug mix puppy?

Expect to pay between $600 and $1200 for a Corgi Pug mix puppy. The price can vary based on breeder reputation, location, and lineage of the parents.

What characteristics can be expected in a Corgi and Pug mixed breed?

Your Corgi Pug mix might inherit the Pug’s playful personality and the Corgi’s herding instincts. They typically have a friendly demeanor and can be quite affectionate, making them delightful companions.

How much does a Corgi Pug mix typically weigh?

A fully grown Corgi Pug mix usually weighs between 10 to 30 pounds, depending on the dominant genes and diet.

Are Corgi Pug mixes generally considered to be good family pets?

Yes, with their sociable and loving nature, Corgi Pug mixes often make excellent family pets. They do well in homes where they can get lots of attention and interact with people.

What health considerations should one be aware of when adopting a Corgi Pug mix?

Be mindful of potential inherited health issues such as hip dysplasia, breathing problems, and skin conditions. Regular vet check-ups and a healthy lifestyle can help manage these concerns.

How can you find a reputable breeder for Corgi Pug mix puppies?

Look for a breeder who performs health screenings, provides a clean environment, and willingly shows you the puppy’s parents. Good breeders will also ask you questions to ensure you’re a fit for their puppies.

Final Thoughts

When you think about adding a Pug Corgi Mix, also known as a Puggle, to your family, you’re looking at a companion that brings the best of both breeds. You’ll get a dog with the Pug’s friendly and loving nature combined with the Corgi’s energetic and alert temperament. This mix might be perfect for your lifestyle if you want a playful and affectionate pet.

Remember, your Puggle will need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Walks around the neighborhood, games in the yard, or playtime at the park are great activities for you and your pet. This mixed breed can adapt to living in an apartment as long as you provide enough daily activity.

Grooming is also something to keep in mind. Puggles have a short coat that will need regular brushing due to the shedding from both parent breeds. It’s something you can easily do while hanging out together.

Lastly, this mixed breed thrives on attention. You’ll need to spend quality time with your dog to prevent boredom and separation anxiety. They love being part of your day-to-day activities.

Before making your decision, research and consider the responsibilities. A Puggle can be a delightful addition, but much like any pet, it comes with a commitment to care for their well-being throughout their life. If you’re ready for the fun and dedication, this little dog could be a great buddy.

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.