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Whoodle Guide: Caring for Your Poodle & Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Mix - PawSafe

Whoodle Guide: Caring for Your Poodle & Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Mix

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

Whoodle dog breed

If you’re looking for a playful and affectionate dog, you might want to consider a Whoodle. This unique mix combines the best traits of the Poodle and the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, resulting in a dog that’s both intelligent and lovable. The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier brings in a friendly and happy disposition, while the Poodle is well-known for its sharp mind and hypoallergenic coat.

As a Whoodle owner, you get to enjoy the companionship of a dog that is not only lively but also tends to get along with everyone. They’re known for their soft, wavy coat, which is a delightful feature passed down from both parent breeds. The Poodle’s influence often makes the Whoodle’s coat somewhat low-shedding, which might be a relief if you’re concerned about having dog hair all over your home.

Your Whoodle, sometimes referred to as a Wheatenpoo, is likely to be quite trainable thanks to the Poodle’s smarts, coupled with the eagerness to please found in the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. This makes the Whoodle an excellent choice for both seasoned and first-time dog owners. Whether you live in a house with a big backyard or an apartment, you’ll find that your Whoodle is adaptable, fitting right into your family life with zest and joy.

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Poodle Heritage

The Poodle, originally from Germany and standardized in France, is renowned for its sharp intellect and elegant appearance. Poodles come in three sizes: standard, miniature, and toy. Whoodles often inherit the Poodle’s allergy-friendly coat, which is an excellent trait for owners with allergies. 

Moreover, Poodles have a storied history as working dogs adept at retrieving game from water, and their athleticism is a trait often passed down to their Whoodle offspring.

Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Background

Hailing from Ireland, the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier was once a versatile farm dog. This breed has a distinct wheaten-colored, silky coat and is known for its exuberance and loyalty. As one of the ancestors of the Whoodle, the Wheaten Terrier contributes a genial and confident disposition to the mix. This breed’s history as a hardworking terrier ensures the Whoodle has plenty of energy and playfulness, which makes for a fun-loving family dog.

Like other designer breeds, including the Pugapoo and the Mi-Ki, the Whoodle has gained popularity among dog enthusiasts who are drawn to the blend of traits that these combinations bring. 

White Poodle dog next to Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier parent breed dogs of the Whoodle

They are one of many increasingly popular but controversial “doodle breeds.” Many experts are critical of poodle mix breeders, labeling them backyard bred dogs or, worse, the product of puppy mills cashing in on the Doodle trend. So, if you are looking for a Whoodle puppy for sale, always try to adopt and investigate any breeder carefully.

The Whoodle stands out in the growing family of unique crossbreeds for its balanced mixture of characteristics like intelligence, hypoallergenic coat, and amiability.

Whoodle Physical Characteristics

Whoodle dog looking over back of sofa at camera cute white dog

When exploring the Whoodle, a mix between a Poodle and a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, you’ll find they possess unique traits that make them a delightful addition to many families. Let’s dive into what makes them stand out, from their size and coat to their general appearance.

Size and Weight

Your Whoodle will typically be a medium-sized dog, with their weight ranging between 20 to 45 pounds (9 to 20 kg). As for height, they stand about 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 cm) tall at the shoulder. Remember this size can vary, as the Poodle parents can be either from Toy, Miniature, or Standard Whoodles. 

Coat and Color

One of the most appealing features of the Whoodle is their low-shedding coat, making them a great choice if you’re looking for a allergy-friendly dog. Their coat can vary from wavy to curly. The color spectrum for Whoodles includes shades like black, red, and silver. Regular grooming will keep their coat mat-free and looking its best.


With the intelligent eyes of a Poodle and the sturdy build of a Wheaten Terrier, Whoodles often have a sociable and confident appearance. Their muscular frame is paired with a soft, plush coat, and they sometimes inherit the distinctive beard of the Wheaten Terrier, giving them a dashing look.

Comparing Toy, Miniature, and Standard Whoodles

Whoodles come in three sizes — Toy, Miniature, and Standard — each of which suits different lifestyles and preferences.

Toy Whoodles

The smallest of the breed, Toy Whoodles typically weigh between 6 and 20 pounds. They are ideal for apartment living or homes with limited space. Due to their small size, they are more fragile and may require more delicate handling, making them less suited to families with very young children. Toy Whoodles are energetic yet can satisfy most of their exercise needs indoors.

Miniature Whoodles 

Miniature Whoodles weigh between 20 and 35 pounds and offer a balance between compact size and robustness. They adapt well to various living situations, including apartments and larger homes with yards. Miniatures are energetic and playful, requiring moderate exercise to stay healthy and happy. They are generally a good fit for families with children, as they are sturdy enough to handle play but not so large as to pose unintentional risks to smaller kids.

Standard Whoodles

The largest variety, Standard Whoodles can weigh anywhere from 35 to 70 pounds. These dogs are best suited for homes with more space and are an excellent choice for active families or individuals who enjoy outdoor activities. Standard Whoodles require more exercise to manage their energy levels and are known for their friendly and protective nature. Their larger size makes them more durable during play, which is ideal for households with children.

Are Whoodles Hypoallergenic?

While no dog is truly hypoallergenic, Whoodles are often considered more allergy-friendly. This is due to their Poodle heritage, which is known for a low-shedding coat that produces fewer allergens. However, it’s important to note that all dogs produce dander, saliva, and urine, which can trigger allergies.

 Whoodles typically inherit the Poodle’s curly coat, which traps dander and hair more effectively than other breeds’ fur. This characteristic can make them a better option for allergy sufferers, but individuals with severe allergies should spend time with a Whoodle before deciding to bring one home, as sensitivity to allergens can vary widely.

Whoodle Personality Traits?

white Whoodle dog barking on couch black background

If you’re curious about a Whoodle’s personality, know that these hybrids often inherit the best traits from their Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier and Poodle parents. They’re typically friendly, intelligent, and have a playful streak that makes them wonderful companions.

Temperament and Personality

Whoodles are a delightful mix of the affectionate and intelligent temperament of Poodles and the friendly personality of Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers. This blend often results in a dog that is both social and eager to please, although sometimes they may display a touch of stubbornness. Early socialization can help to ensure that your Whoodle is well-adjusted and behaves impeccably around both people and other animals.

Interaction with Families and Pets

These dogs are not just affectionate; they thrive on interaction with their human families and usually get along well with other dogs and pets. Whoodles are known to blend into the family dynamic, becoming an integral part of your household’s daily life. Their social nature makes them a great fit for homes with multiple pets, but remember, like any dog, introductions should be done carefully.

Are Whoodles Child-Friendly?

Yes, Whoodles can be fantastic with children, often taking on the role of a protective and playful family dog. Their affectionate nature makes them cuddly companions for kids, but as with all breeds, supervision is key to ensure safe interactions. It’s also an excellent opportunity to teach your children about respecting a dog’s space and recognizing their independent streak.


Whoodles might get vocal during play or when they’re alerting you about something. While not directly related to grooming, maintaining a calm and stable environment can reduce excessive barking.

Exercise Needs for Whoodles?

Whoodles, a cross between Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers and Poodles, are a bundle of joy with a good dose of energy. They need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy.

Daily Walks

You’ll want to take your Whoodle for at least one long walk every day. This is vital not just for their physical health, but also to keep their minds sharp.

  • Morning: A brisk 30-minute walk.
  • Evening: Another 30 minutes to an hour.


Besides walks, Whoodles love to play. Throw a ball in the backyard or have a tug-of-war session. Playtime provides both physical and mental stimulation, which is super important for their well-being.

  • 15-20 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.

Advanced Activities

If your Whoodle still has energy to burn, you might want to try something more challenging like:

  • Agility training
  • Fetch with a Frisbee
  • Swim sessions

Remember, just like you, your Whoodle can get bored, so mix it up! You might be surprised at how smart they are when you introduce new exercises or brain games. It keeps their mind engaged and body in shape.

WalksDaily1-2 hours
PlaytimeDaily45-60 mins
Advanced PlayWeeklyAs needed

Always watch for signs that your Whoodle is getting too tired or overworked. And hey, if you’ve had a long day, it’s okay to take it easy once in a while. Just make sure it’s not the norm, because a healthy Whoodle is an active Whoodle!

Grooming Needs of Whoodles

When you bring a Whoodle into your family, grooming becomes part of your routine. These pups have a coat that’s a mix of poodle and Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, which means they need regular care to keep them looking their best.


Prepare to brush your Whoodle several times a week. Their coat can range from curly to wavy, and without regular brushing, it can get matted. Get a good slicker brush, and gently work through their fur to avoid tangles.

  • Shedding: Whoodles are known for being low-shedders. You may find some hair around the house, but not nearly as much as with other breeds.


Every few weeks, a bath will keep your Whoodle clean and smelling fresh. Use a dog-friendly shampoo that’s kind for their skin. Make sure to dry their coat thoroughly to prevent any skin irritation.

Nail Trimming 

Keeping your Whoodle’s nails trimmed is crucial. Long nails can cause discomfort and even lead to problems walking. You might hear their nails click on the floor when they walk if they’re too long.

  • Tools: A pair of dog nail clippers or a nail grinder designed for pets will do the job.

Common Health Issues in Whoodles

Whoodle dog looking over cough Wheaten Terrier Poodle mix at home

Whoodles, a hybrid of Poodles and Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, can inherit various health issues from their parent breeds. Being aware of these conditions can help you ensure a healthy life for your Whoodle.

What is the Average Lifespan of a Whoodle?

Average Lifespan:

Whoodles typically enjoy a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. It’s important for owners to be mindful of the health problems that can affect this breed, as they can impact the quality and length of the dog’s life.

Health Problems

  • Hip Dysplasia: Watch for signs of lameness or pain in your Whoodle’s hips, as they can inherit hip dysplasia, which affects joint stability.
  • Ear Infections: Their floppy ears can trap moisture, making Whoodles susceptible to ear infections. Regular cleaning can help prevent this issue.
  • Allergies: Skin irritations, such as atopic dermatitis, are common. Keep an eye out for scratching or skin discomfort.

Behavioral Conditions

  • Aggression and Anxiety: Understand that Whoodles might show signs of aggression or anxiety. Early training and socialization are key.

Endocrine Conditions

  • Hypoadrenocorticism: Also known as Addison’s disease, this can disrupt your Whoodle’s adrenal gland function, requiring veterinary attention.
  • Diabetes Mellitus: Inherited from the Poodle side, monitor your Whoodle’s blood sugar levels.

Gastrointestinal Conditions

  • Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE): PLE can result in significant protein loss in Whoodles, potentially leading to further health complications. Dr. Anton Beynan is clear that this is not because Wheaten Terriers are allergic to gluten.
  • Lymphangiectasia: Coupled with PLE, this involves the dilation of lymph vessels, which can be indicated by symptoms such as diarrhea or weight loss.

Neoplastic Conditions

  • Cancers: Both parent breeds are prone to certain types of cancers, making regular health screenings crucial.

Neurological Conditions

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): If your Whoodle show signs of pain or paralysis, it could be a sign of spinal issues.

Ocular Conditions

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): This condition may lead to blindness, so regular eye exams are recommended.

Renal and Urinary Conditions

  • Kidney Disease: Pay attention to your Whoodle’s drinking and urination habits, as kidney disease can be a significant health issue.

Physiological Conditions

  • Thyroid Issues: If your Whoodle is experiencing unexpected weight changes or energy levels, it could be a sign of thyroid problems.

By keeping an eye on these potential health issues and working closely with your vet, you can help your Whoodle lead a comfortable and happy life. Remember to factor in regular veterinary check-ups and preventive care as part of your pet’s routine.

Trainability of Whoodles?

When you bring a Whoodle into your life, understanding their trainability is essential. These intelligent dogs respond well to consistent training methods and need both mental and physical exercise to stay balanced and happy.

Training Techniques

Consistency is Key

  • Positive Reinforcement: Rewards like treats or praise for obedience to encourage learning.
  • Routine: Same commands and cues each session to build understanding.

Patience Pays Off

  • Start training early to take advantage of their eagerness to please.
  • Remember, they may have a prey drive from their Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier lineage, making them chase after small animals.

Mental and Physical Stimulation Needs

Engage Their Minds

  • Puzzle toys for mental stimulation to keep their smart brains occupied.
  • Interactive games like hide-and-seek to challenge their problem-solving skills.

Physical Activity is a Must

  • Daily walks or runs for their high energy levels.
  • Play sessions and dog sports that tap into their herding instincts.

Best Diet For Whoodles?

When you’re considering the best diet for your Whoodle, which is a cross between a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier and a Poodle, you’ll want to think about what keeps them healthy and prevents any breed-specific issues. Just like their close relatives, the Labradoodle and Goldendoodle, Whoodles can benefit from a balanced diet.

First things first, high-quality dry dog food is a great starting point. It’s packed with essential nutrients and is specifically designed for doodles of all kinds. When selecting a brand, look for one with:

  • Meat or meat meal as the first ingredient;
  • Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits; and
  • No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

Homemade meals can also be good, but they need to be well-balanced. You might want to consult with a vet to ensure your Whoodle’s diet includes the right amount of proteins, carbs, and fats. Here are a few things to include:

  • Lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef);
  • Healthy carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes); and
  • Vegetables (carrots, peas).

If you’re thinking of incorporating raw food, remember that it’s important to do it safely to avoid any bacterial infections. Prepare raw meals with care and always from safe sources.

Lastly, always have fresh water available for your Whoodle. It keeps them hydrated especially after playtime or walks.

Remember, your Whoodle is unique, so their diet might differ from another Whoodle’s. Pay attention to how they respond to their food and adjust as necessary. When in doubt, your vet is your go-to for the best dietary advice!

Living with a Whoodle

If you’re thinking of bringing a Whoodle into your life, it’s important to understand how they’ll fit into your home and match your activity level. As a mix between a Poodle and a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Whoodles can be the ideal companion for both cozy evenings and outdoor adventures.

Adjustment to Home Environment

Whoodles often thrive in a family setting where they receive lots of love and attention. Their adaptable nature makes them suitable for various types of homes, from apartments to houses with big yards. However, they do best when they’re not left alone for too long, as they can develop separation anxiety. To ease their transition into your home, set up a comfortable space with toys and a bed to make the first few weeks as stress-free as possible. Regular routines will help them understand when it’s time for fun and when it’s time to settle down, which is especially helpful for first-time owners.

With their heritage of farm dogs and hunters, Whoodles can sometimes show a keen interest in outdoor activities but will always be happy to return to the comforts of home.

Compatibility with Active Lifestyles

You’ll notice right away that Whoodles are energetic dogs, which means they align well with active families. They have significant exercise needs that include long walks, games of fetch, and opportunities for swimming, so be ready to include them in your outdoor activities. A Whoodle will love going on hikes or jogs with you, and they might just be your most enthusiastic exercise partner.

Due to their Poodle lineage, many Whoodles are fond of the water, making them natural swimmers. Enjoying time at the lake or the pool can be a great way for both of you to stay active and cool, especially in warmer weather.

In conclusion, living with a Whoodle can be a joyful and active experience as long as they’re given the attention and exercise they need. Their adaptable and affectionate nature makes them great companions for various lifestyles as long as their social and physical needs are met.

Whoodle Costs

When you’re thinking about getting a Whoodle, it’s important to consider the finances involved. A Whoodle is a cross between a Poodle and a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. So, let’s break down the costs you might encounter.

Initial Whoodle Puppy Purchase Price:

  • Low End: $1,200
  • High End: $5,000+

Prices vary widely depending on the breeder’s reputation, location, and whether the puppy comes from show-quality and health-tested parents.

Ongoing Costs:

  • Food: Approximately $30-$60 per month
  • Grooming: $40-$70 per visit (every 6-8 weeks)
  • Veterinary Care: Annual check-ups are roughly $85, but this does not include unexpected health issues or emergencies.

Remember to factor in costs for things like toys, bedding, training, and pet insurance.

Other Considerations:

  • Training: Classes can run you anywhere from $50 to $200 per session.
  • Supplies: Initial supplies might cost up to $200.

Purchasing a Whoodle is not just a one-time expense. Consider your ability to handle the ongoing costs to ensure your new pup stays happy and healthy throughout their life.

Adoption and Purchasing

When you’re looking to bring a Whoodle puppy into your family, understanding the adoption and purchasing process is crucial. You’re dealing with a designer dog, which often comes with a higher price tag, so it’s important to make informed decisions.

Choosing the Right Breeder

You want your Whoodle to be healthy and happy, right? Start by finding a responsible breeder. Look for someone who can provide clear health screenings and who raises puppies in a clean, loving environment. Cost is a factor, with Whoodle puppies often being priced based on their purebred Poodle and Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier ancestry.

Check if the breeder is recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), even though mixed breeds like Poodle mixes aren’t eligible for AKC registration, it’s a sign of quality. Ask lots of questions like:

  • How are the puppies socialized?
  • Can you meet the parents?
  • What vaccinations have they had?

Remember, a good breeder wants the best for their dogs, just like you do.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs)

In this section, you’ll find common questions about the Whoodle, a mix between a Poodle and a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. This will give you a better understanding of what to expect from this breed.

What is the typical temperament of a Whoodle?

A Whoodle typically has a friendly and playful temperament. They often inherit the intelligence and activity level of Poodles, combined with the Wheaten Terrier’s cheerful nature.

Do Whoodles make good family pets?

Yes, Whoodles generally make excellent family pets. They’re known to be affectionate with family members and can be great with kids, provided they are properly socialized.

How large can a Whoodle grow?

The size of a Whoodle can vary but most grow to be medium-sized dogs. They typically range from 20 to 45 pounds, depending on the size of the Poodle parent.

Is the Whoodle breed considered hypoallergenic?

Whoodles are often considered hypoallergenic due to their Poodle heritage, which is known for a low-shedding coat. However, no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic.

Are Whoodles known to be expensive in comparison to other breeds?

Whoodles can be relatively expensive, especially if they come from reputable breeders. Their cost reflects their popularity and the costs associated with ethical breeding practices.

Final Thoughts

When you’re considering a Whoodle, it’s like you’re getting the best of both worlds. These cuddly dogs bring together the intelligence and hypoallergenic coats of Poodles with the friendly and spirited nature of Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers. It’s no surprise they’ve captured your heart!

Before bringing one into your home, remember that their unique traits come with responsibilities. They need daily exercise, mental stimulation, and lots of love. Early socialization and training will help your Whoodle become a well-behaved fur friend.

Whoodles can inherit health issues common to their parent breeds, such as paroxysmal dyskinesia, so regular check-ups with the vet are a must to keep your dog healthy.

Here’s a quick checklist for future Whoodle parents:

  • Regular exercise: Long walks or playtime to keep them fit
  • Mental stimulation: Puzzle toys to engage their smarts
  • Health care: Vet visits for a happy, healthy life
  • Love and patience: Training to help them be their best

If you’re ready for an affectionate and playful companion, a Whoodle may be your perfect match. Just remember, bringing a dog into your life is a big commitment, but the love and fun you’ll get in return are worth it. Happy pet parenting!

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.