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The Doxiepoo: The Cuddly Companion With a Pinch of Panache

The Doxiepoo: The Cuddly Companion With a Pinch of Panache

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

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If you are looking for a small breed companion that packs a punch in the cuteness department, this Dachshund Poodle designer mixed breed might be the perfect pup for you. They offer a great middle ground between their peppy Poodle and alert Dachshund parent breeds.

The Doxiepoo usually pairs the toy or miniature Poodle with the standard or miniature-sized Dachshund—every pairing results in a special pup with varying traits from either parent. Proper grooming, including baths with a good dog shampoo, can keep their delightful coats in good condition. 

To grasp all things Doxiepoo, we consulted our expert source, Doxiepoo Complete Owners Manual, By George Hoppendale and Asia Moore. Remember, it’s essential to proper research before searching for Doxiepoo puppies for sale to ensure this adorable pup suits your lifestyle. And don’t forget to adopt!

Other names for the Doxiepoo include:

  • Doxiedoodle;
  • Dachshunddoodle; 
  • Dachdoodle; and 
  • Dachshundpoo.

The Doxiepoo shares traits from both parent breeds, often leaning more towards one or the other. Size varies depending on the combination. The mini Doxiepoo stands about 10 inches (25.4 cm) tall and weighs 4 lb and up (1.8 kg), and the largest Doxiepoos can reach 15 inches (38.1 cm) and weigh up to 18 lb (45.7 kg).

Their coat and features can vary greatly depending on the dominant parent. Often, a Doxiepoo will have the iconic forlorn expression and almond-shaped eyes of the Dachshund, with the chiseled muzzle and curly coat of the Poodle. They are adaptable, curious, and a great family pet.

Where Did The Doxiepoo Come From? History And Origins 

While the Doxiepoo is a ‘modern breed,’ they are not ‘officially’ recognized as a breed. Instead, their history and heritage is that of the Poodle and the Dachshund.

The Poodle

The Poodle we know today branched from the German Barbet. At first, the Poodle was a water dog bred for water retrieval. Over time, Poodles were bred to smaller sizes as companion breeds for the aristocracy. This is how we got the Toy and Miniature Poodles. They would later find their way into circuses as performers, since their intelligence made them great at learning tricks.

Today they are gorgeous and athletic companion dogs that excel at activities like agility.

The Dachshund

The Dachshund comes to us from Germany, with the earliest records dating to the sixteenth century. It is here we find the first mention of the “low crooked legged” dog, Little Burrow Dog, Dacksel, or Badger Dog.

The name translates to “badger dog,” and the earliest of these were kept as hunting dogs, primarily intended to take down smaller prey. Today, they are also companion dogs, like the Poodle, but they thrive when their natural tunneling and hunting instincts are put to use in Earthdog trials.

The Doxiepoo

The combination of the two, the Doxiepoo, is likely a result of the Doodle trend of the 1990s. It’s commonly believed Wally Conron, a breeding manager at the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia, kicked off the Doodle craze. Conron mistakenly took credit for naming the hybrid in 1989.

Conron introduced the mix to the Royal Guide Dog Association, but it was really Donald Campbell that first paired his Poodle and Labrador in the 1950s. Campbell also gave the mix its name, “Labradoodle” in his book, Into The Water Barrier.

The resulting Labradoodle was just the first of many “Doodles,” or Poodle mixes and a boom in Doodle breed popularity. Conron would go on to claim that his role in kicking off the Doodles was his greatest regret.

While we love Doodles, we must also acknowledge that anytime a type of dog sees a surge in popularity, unethical breeding practices from breeders trying to cash in on a trend surge too. So if you have your heart set on a Doxiepoo, always research any breeder thoroughly and have a look at adoption. Adopting instead of shopping is the only way to undermine unethical breeders.

The Doodle craze developed into a well-established branch of hybrid breeding. To date, we have seen almost every possible combination of Poodle with other breeds. They have remarkable nature and are as close to hypoallergenic as it gets.

How Are Doxiepoos Made?

The Doxiepoo is a rare mix. Some Other Doodles, like the Toy Goldendoodles, are made by carefully breeding select dogs from certain generations. They are selected for the desired characteristics. The Doxiepoo isn’t nearly as standardized. They are often bred to the breeder’s taste.

A breeder may pair a Toy Poodle and a Miniature Dachshund to produce a “Mini Doxiepoo.” Or they might focus on breeding a specific color, like the popular black Doxiepoo. There aren’t any set standards for what makes a “real” Doxiepoo.

Our objective is to offer inclusive, precise, and unbiased content in our blog posts, which aim to assist our readers in making well-informed decisions that align with their lifestyles.

While we refrain from endorsing particular breeding practices, we promote ethical breeding methods and prioritize the well-being of dogs. We strongly encourage considering adoption as the primary option.

Shelters are home to countless amazing dogs of various breeds, eagerly waiting to find their forever homes. By embracing the #AdoptDontShop movement, you can provide a deserving rescue with a second chance for happiness.

What Do Doxiepoos Look Like?

As a rare mix, the Doxiepoo can vary in appearance. Often, they will have more traits from the dominant parent breed. Because it can go either way with first-generation mixes, you may find your Doxiepoo looks more Poodle than Doxie, or vice versa.

When a Doxiepoo exhibits more Poodle traits, they can present a curly coat. They will have a long, fine, chiseled muzzle with a slight but definite stop. Furthermore, their eyes may be more oval-shaped, and they might carry their tail straight and up.

A Doxiepoo with more Dachshund traits will present a fine, slightly arched muzzle, almond-shaped eyes, high-set, rounded ears, a long straight back, and short legs. They may also have a prominent breastbone.

Doxiepoo coats can depend on which parent they take after. The more Poodle blood is in the Doxiepoo, the more likely you are to get a curly, or wavy single coat. If they have a wire-haired Dachshund parent, you may get a rough, wiry coat. They may also have a short coat, or long, soft one like the long-haired Dachshund.

While the Poodle parentage might suggest a hypoallergenic coat, the Dachshund sheds year-round. Therefore, the Doxiepoo is a gamble if you want a dog that won’t trigger pre-existing mild to moderate allergies.

Typically, a Doxiepoo will shed less than a smooth coated or long-haired Dachshund. However, unless they inherit the Poodle single coat, they will probably shed to some extent. This means they can be allergy-friendly, but usually not as much as purebred Poodles. Doxiepoos that come from a wire-haired Dachshund, which is low shedding, will generally be the most hypoallergenic.

The Doxiepoos coat color can vary greatly from one pup to the next, with possibilities including any solid color (As is the case with miniature and toy Poodles) and several combinations.

Solid Colors:

  • Cream;
  • Silver beige;
  • Tan;
  • White;
  • Chocolate; 
  • Red;
  • Apricot;
  • Champagne; and
  • Black.

Combinations and Patterns:

  • Phantom merle;
  • Black and tan;
  • Chocolate and tan;
  • Wild boar and tan;
  • Gray and tan;
  • Fawn and tan;
  • Single dapple (a lighter color set on a darker background, as in a merle); 
  • Double dapple (white in addition to dapple); and 
  • Brindle.

How Big Does A Doxiepoo Get?

Doxiepoo size varies depending on the precise combination, such as a toy Poodle mix vs. a miniature Poodle mix. The largest Doxiepoos get up to 15 inchesat the withers (38.1 cm) weighing 12 to 18 lb (5.4 to 8.1 kg). Different combinations of the toy or miniature Poodle and miniature or regular Dachshund can result in different sizes and weights, typically within those ranges.

How Big Does a Mini Doxiepoo Get?

The miniature Doxiepoo stands at 10 inches at the withers (25.4 cm) and weighs 4 to 8 lb (1.8 to 3.6 kg). This dog is usually a combination of a toy poodle and mini dachshund.

Doxiepoo Temperament And Trainability 

The Doxiepoo designer dog is devoted to its family, sometimes favoring one person. They are often reserved with strangers, but will take every opportunity to join in on family activities. They are full of pep and generally up for adventure. These dogs are also deeply affectionate, loving nothing more than to bury their head into you.

Doxiepoos bred from a miniature Dachshund pairing are prone to being timid and shy. From their Poodle parentage they inherit being sensitive, highly intelligent, lively, and eager to please. A combination that makes them quick on the uptake, and easy to train. They are also extremely alert dogs.

They do love to chase smaller animals sometimes, so plenty of socialization and early training is bets.

The lively little Doxiepoo is great with children from its own family, but they can sometimes be snappy, especially as they age and become less tolerant of little hands. Always make sure children interact respectfully with any dog and vice versa to prevent accidents.

They are alert, and in addition to possibly being stand-offish with strangers, it is very likely that they will bark a lot if they are bored and don’t get enough activity.

Highly intelligent, sensitive dogs like the Doxiepoo need an early introduction to training and socialization. Because of their sensitivity they need a gentle approach; avoid being harsh or using punishment to train them.

General Care And Maintenance Of The Doxiepoo
  • Hypoallergenic: Unlikely 
  • Shedding: low to moderate shedders (depending on coat type)
  • Exercise: Short to moderate walks on a leash and games in the yard or indoors.
  • Temperament: Bold, peppy, friendly, curious, playful, loyal.
  • Trainability: Easy to train thanks to their intelligence and desire to please. 

Energy Needs

The Doxiepoo is a peppy little pup, getting much of its energy from its Poodle parentage. However, because all its zest is bundled into a pint-sized package, it doesn’t need a demanding exercise regimen to burn off its extra energy. As important for their wellbeing is mental stimulation.

Housing Requirements

The Doxiepoo is a small dog that does well in apartments and tiny homes. Naturally, an outside area where they can play is a plus. Remember, small dogs are more susceptible to temperature extremes and will likely choose your bed as their favorite place to snuggle and sleep.

Exercise Needs

A short to moderate (up to 30 minutes) daily walk alongside play at home will keep this upbeat little canine happy and healthy. Mini Doxiespoos need lesss structured exercise than the bigger ones, but they do need quite a bit of activity to keep them fit, happy, and healthy. Playing games with them that engage and stimulate them mentally is a good idea. Thanks to their Poodle parentage, they may also enjoy swimming and playing in puddles.

Food & Diet Requirements 

The Doxiepoo requires a balanced diet to meet its nutritional needs and differs according to their life stages and health concerns.. Their diet must include all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fats and should ideally include animal proteins. It’s always a good idea to consult your vet if uncertain. 

Your vet can identify important gaps in your pup’s diet and best advise you. Because the Doxiepoo is at a moderate to high risk of a patellar luxation (kneecap popping out), managing their weight is crucial.

The Doxiepoo also has an above-average risk of developing eye problems. You can minimize the risk by ensuring their diet includes carotenoids, phytonutrients and flavonoids, all found in fruit and veggies like kale and blueberries. But keep in mind, anything you add to your dog’s diet needs to be carefully balanced.

Doxiepoos are at an increased risk of developing diabetes. The key ways to minimize their risk of, and managing diabetes, include exercise and proper weight management. A carefully balanced diet makes all the difference.

Grooming A Doxiepoo

Your Doxiepoo will likely require frequent grooming. Their Poodle parentage all but guarantees a coat that requires care and attention. If your Doxiepoo’s coat resembles the Poodle coat, neglecting it will result in matting.

Long hair Doxiepoos will benefit from daily grooming. Their coat needs daily if they have a Poodle type coat, or two to four times a week, depending on how dense or long the coat is. A wiry coat tends to need more attention than a smooth coat, which you can brush with a pet grooming glove.

Should your Doxiepoo have a medium length coat, grooming will depend on the texture of the hair. A smooth coat makes grooming more manageable. Like wiry hair, curly coats also require more attention.

You’ll need to brush their teeth a minimum of 2 to 3 times per week to ensure dental health and add a dog dental rinse to their water as they are very prone to dental disease.

They need their nails trimmed with guillotine nail clippers for dogs as needed. Their ears need frequent cleaning with dog ear cleansers, and they’ll need bathing roughly every two months, with the frequency depending on their coat, habits, and environment.

Don’t bathe your dog too often as it can strip the natural oils from their coat.

Because Doxiepoos can vary greatly in appearances, the best option is to take them to the doggy parlor frequently. Ask them for advice on managing your pup’s unique grooming needs. 

Health Issues In Doxiepoos

Because the Doxiepoo is a rare mix, and usually results of a relatively equal part Poodle and Dachshund, they can benefit from “heterosis” or “hybrid vigor.” It is the advantage of genetic diversity.

These benefits can include a stronger immune system, healthier bone and joint development, and higher fertility rates. Still, the Doxiepoo does have predispositions to many of the health problems that affect its parent breeds. According to Dr. Alex Gough, these include:

1. Neurological Disorders: 

Neurological disorders can impact the central nervous system and affect a dog’s brain, spinal cord, or nerves. In Doxiepoos, two notable conditions are epilepsy and degenerative myelopathy.

a) Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent seizures. Seizures can manifest as convulsions, loss of consciousness, or abnormal behavior. Epilepsy in Doxiepoos may have a genetic component or can be caused by other factors.

b) Degenerative Myelopathy: Degenerative myelopathy is a progressive disease that affects the spinal cord, leading to hind limb weakness and paralysis. It is believed to have a genetic basis and is more common in older dogs. Doxiepoos may be at risk of developing this condition due to their Dachshund ancestry.

2. Eye Problems

Eye problems can significantly impact a dog’s vision and overall quality of life. Two eye conditions seen in Doxiepoos are Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) and cataracts.

a) Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): PRA is a degenerative disease that gradually leads to blindness. It affects the retina, causing the progressive loss of photoreceptor cells. Early signs include night blindness, followed by decreased daytime vision. PRA can have a genetic basis and may be detected through specialized tests.

b) Cataracts: Cataracts involve the clouding of the lens within the eye, leading to impaired vision or blindness. They can be inherited or develop due to aging, trauma, or underlying health conditions. Regular eye examinations are crucial for early detection and appropriate management.

3. Back and Musculoskeletal Issues

Back and musculoskeletal issues can affect the spine, joints, and bones, causing pain and mobility problems in Doxiepoos. Some notable conditions include Legg-Perthes disease, patella luxation, intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), and herniated discs.

a) Legg-Calve-Perthes disease: This disease is a degenerative condition that affects the hip joint. It causes the femoral head (the ball part of the ball-and-socket joint) to deteriorate, leading to pain, lameness, and joint stiffness. Surgical intervention is often required to alleviate symptoms.

b) Patella Luxation: Patella luxation refers to the displacement of the kneecap. It can range from mild to severe and may result in intermittent or constant lameness. Depending on the severity, medical management or surgery may be recommended.

c) Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) and Herniated Discs: IVDD involves the degeneration or herniation of the intervertebral discs in the spine. It can cause back pain, mobility issues, and even paralysis if the spinal cord is compressed. Treatment may involve rest, medication, physical therapy, or surgery.

4. Cancer 

Cancer is a complex group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Doxiepoos may be prone to certain types of cancer, including stomach cancer, mast cell tumors, and melanomas.

5. Endocrine Issues

Endocrine issues involve imbalances or dysfunction in the body’s hormone-producing glands. Two common endocrine disorders in Doxiepoos are hypothyroidism and diabetes.

a) Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms may include weight gain, lethargy, hair loss, and skin problems. Proper diagnosis and lifelong hormone replacement therapy are usually required.

b) Diabetes: Diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insufficient insulin production or insulin resistance. Signs may include increased thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, and weakness. Treatment involves insulin therapy, dietary management, and regular monitoring.

Other Common Problems in the Doxiepoo

Apart from the above health issues, Doxiepoos may also be prone to dental disease, skin issues, ear infections, and obesity. Double dapple Dachshunds (also called double merles) also have higher rates of deafness. Regular dental care, skin hygiene, and appropriate nutrition can help prevent and manage these problems.

Are Doxiepoos Good With Children And Other Pets?

The Doxiepoo is great with children in their own family. They may do well around other children, but their is the possibility that they will snap at strange children. Generally the Doxiepoo is happy to be with other pets in the family.

Their curiosity paired with their energy may frustrate other pets. Training and socialization can help maintain household harmony. 

Suitable Home For A Doxiepoo

  • Adaptable to small spaces but can be prone to barking and annoying neighbors
  • First-time dog owners, due to their size and ease of training 
  • Regular schedules where you can spend plenty of time with them
  • Suitable as family dogs or for adults who are home most of the time

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much does a Doxiepoo puppy cost?

The Doxiepoo puppies can cost between $200 and $2000 depending on the reputation of the breeder, your location, and other factors. Only support ethical breeding, and before buying, consider adopting a Doxiepoo rescue. 

How long does a Doxiepoo live?

A Doxiepoo has an expected lifespan of about 10 to 14 years on average. Responsible breeding usually means a longer life span, and exercise and diet are key to a longer, happier life.

Does the Doxiepoo shed a lot? 

The Doxiepoo’s shedding can vary, but generally, they have a low to moderate shedding tendency due to their Poodle ancestry and wiry or curly coat.

Is the Doxiepoo hypoallergenic? 

The Doxiepoo is considered to be quite allergy-friendly, making them a potential option for individuals with allergies. However, individual reactions may still vary. Remember, no dog is completely hypoallergenic, but some are more allergy-friendly than others.

Is the Doxiepoo aggressive? 

Doxiepoos, like any dog, can display aggression if not properly socialized, trained, or if they have underlying behavioral issues. Early socialization and training are essential for their temperament. However, they are usually sensitive and occasionally shy dogs.

Are Doxiepoos good with other dogs? 

Doxiepoos can generally get along well with other dogs if they are properly socialized from a young age. Positive interactions and introductions are key to fostering good relationships.

Are Doxiepoos good with kids? 

Doxiepoos can be good with kids when they are raised and socialized together. However, as with any dog breed, supervision is necessary to ensure safe and appropriate interactions between dogs and children.

Final Thoughts

The Doxiepoo is a hybrid breed with character and heart. If you are looking for a companion that is smart, devoted, energetic and manageable, look no further. Keep in mind that they usually need a lot of grooming. Also, every Doxiepoo can differ somewhat in appearance and physical traits. Likewise, no two Doxiepoos will have exactly the same personality. 

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.