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The Lemon Beagle: A Rare and Fascinating Beagle Color

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe


In the world of Beagles, there exists a unique and captivating color variation known as the Lemon Beagle. This rare coat color has attracted the attention and curiosity of dog and beagle enthusiasts. Not only are these dogs a gorgeous color, but you’ll also get the gentle, sweet, and funny temperaments that make Beagles; Beagles.

This four-legged companion is an excellent choice for families, individuals, and anyone seeking a thrilling and loyal canine buddy. Their maintenance isn’t too crazy either, but you will put in some work, like cleaning their ears with doggy ear wipes to prevent infections. 

Let’s delve into the world of Lemon Beagles with the help of Alex Seymour’s Beagle manual. We’ll explore their distinct features, differences from regular Beagles, their history, and the genetics behind their stunning coat color

Through the hard work of multiple breeders, we’ve seen the discovery and breeding of many unique features in dogs. This has resulted in many rare colors and patterns in dogs like Cream Dachshunds, Merle Frenchies, and even Fluffy Frenchies.

Lemon Beagles are part of the list of unique canines that exist thanks to a variation in genetics. Luckily, breeding these dogs is relatively safe, unlike other rare outcomes like merle, which could result in health risks. 

Check out this unbelievably cute Lemon Beagle!

Lemon Beagle Vs. Regular Beagle: What’s the Difference?

 The primary difference between a Lemon Beagle and a regular Beagle lies in their coat color. Regular Beagles typically have a tri-color pattern with black, white, and tan markings. On the other hand, Lemon Beagles have a white body and a bi-color pattern, except the patches are very faint with a pale-yellow or golden tint. 

History of the Lemon Beagle

Where Did the Lemon Beagle Come From?

Lemon-colored patches on Beagles have always existed as a natural color in the breed. The genetics responsible for the color variations were discovered at some point in the breed’s history, and intentional breeding has taken place since then. Therefore, the history of a standard Beagle accurately represents this canine’s history which we’ll dive right into.

The Beagle origin has been the subject of contention for centuries. Even their breed name is murky, with some claiming it’s from the Gaelic word beag (“little”), while others point to the French term for how hounds sound while hunting: be’geule.

Some claim the earliest records of this breed may date to around 55 BC in England before the arrival of Roman legions. They were popular among the English by the 1500s and were named “foot hounds” since keeping up with them on foot was easy. 

Fun Fact: Beagles possess an exceptional sense of smell, which is aided by physical adaptations. They have large, wide nostrils that allow them to take in more scent particles, and their long ears help waft scents towards their nose, enhancing their tracking abilities as hunting dogs or Scenthounds.

Explaining the Genetics that Create the Lemon Beagle Coat Color

When Lemon Beagle puppies are born, they are almost entirely white, with a few patches on the coat. However, after a couple of months, the lemon-colored patches slowly set in until adulthood.

The lemon coat color in Beagles is the result of a recessive gene called “dilution” or the dilute locus. Both parent Beagles must carry this dilution gene to produce Lemon Beagle offspring.

When two Beagles carry the gene mate, there is a chance of producing Lemon Beagle puppies. This genetic combination dilutes the usual tan or brown color patches to a pale yellow or lemon shade, creating the distinct coat coloration seen in Lemon Beagles.

This means that the Beagle should have one “e” gene (responsible for red or yellow coloring from the ). The recessive “d” dilution gene then works on the brown or tan color to make it into lemon patches instead. In other words, a lemon beagle is a dilute form of the red and white, tan and white, or orange and white Beagle, where the color is far paler and “faded” or dilute.

Lemon Beagles: Unique Physical Characteristics

What Does the Lemon Beagle Look Like?

Lemon Beagles have a distinct appearance that sets them apart from other Beagle color variations. They have a white base coat and patches that range from a pale, yellowish hue to a vibrant lemon color. 

Besides coat color Lemon Beagles look like your typical Beagle with the large, droopy ears and look quite “big for their inches.” They have a compact and muscular build with a well-balanced body structure.

Lemon Beagles have a broad and slightly domed skull. They have a well-defined stop (the indentation between the forehead and the muzzle). Their medium-sized, rounded eyes have a warm and pleading expression, which is often referred to as “melted chocolate” eyes.

These Beagles have straight, well-boned forelegs and muscular hind legs, allowing for efficient movement and agility. Their feet are round and compact, with thick pads that provide stability and cushioning.

How Big Does the Lemon Beagle Get? 

Lemon Beagles, like other Beagles, fall into the small to medium-sized category. On average, adult Lemon Beagles stand about 13 to 15 inches (33 to 38 cm) tall at the shoulder and typically weigh between 20 to 30 pounds (9 to 14 kg). 

Lemon Beagle vs. Tan Beagle: What’s the Difference? 

The key difference between Lemon Beagles and Tan Beagles lies in their coat color. Lemon Beagles exhibit a lemon or pale yellow base coat with white and light brown markings, while Tan Beagles have a more traditional tri-color pattern of black, white, and tan markings. 

Are Lemon Beagles Rare? 

Yes, Lemon Beagles are considered rare compared to Beagles with traditional color patterns. While Lemon Beagles have gained popularity among enthusiasts for their distinct appearance, they are less commonly seen in comparison to their more common counterparts. Their rarity adds to their appeal for those seeking a unique Beagle variation.

Solid Lemon Beagle vs. Lemon and White Beagle: Can Beagles be a Solid Lemon Color? 

While Lemon Beagles typically have a lemon or lemon and white coloration, it is rare to find a Beagle with a solid lemon coat. Most Lemon Beagles have white markings along with their lemon base color. Solid lemon-colored Beagles, without any white markings, are exceedingly rare, as they require specific genetic combinations that just isn’t common in Beagles.

Lemon Beagle Temperament, Intelligence, and Trainability

Lemon Beagles share temperament with their Beagle counterparts. They are known for being friendly, sociable, and affectionate. These dogs typically have a gentle and even-tempered nature, making them well-suited for families and individuals alike. 

These Beagles often display a cheerful and curious personality, which adds to their charm. Their pleasing expression, thanks to their large, expressive eyes, adds more to the breed’s appeal.

Lemon Beagles are moderately intelligent dogs, capable of learning and adapting well to various situations. Unfortunately, while they make great pets, they aren’t very easy to train, taking up to 100 repetitions to learn a command. They need a lot of patience and commitment when it comes to training.

Despite being notoriously friendly dogs, they are also known for their loud ringing barks that can upset your neighbor. 

They have a keen sense of smell, which is a trait ingrained in the Beagle breed for their hunting instincts. They love to follow their nose, and we strongly advise letting your Beagle off leash without adequate training as they will often take off after an interesting scent and refuse to listen to you. This can make it appear as though they ignore you, when they are really just following their hunting dog instincts.

While they may exhibit moments of independence or stubbornness, their intelligence makes them quick learners and responsive to training.

Beagles are overall so loving and cheerful that some evil humans take advantage of their kind nature. So if you’ve ever wondered why Beagles are used in most animal testing, it’s because they’re more likely to forgive the perpetrators. If you want a Beagle we suggest visiting the Beagle Freedom Project to help rescue and free these darling dogs from laboratories.

General Care for Lemon Beagles: Exercise, Diet, Grooming, and Compatibility

Exercise Needs

Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise each day to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. We advise scent-based activities to cater to their innate hunting talents. Also, provide puzzle toys like snuffle mats to satisfy their intelligence. 

Dietary Needs

Feeding your Lemon Beagle a well-balanced diet is essential for their overall health and well-being. Choose high-quality dog food appropriate for their age, size (food for medium-sized dogs), and activity level.

 Be mindful of portion control to maintain a healthy weight, as Beagles can have a tendency to overeat. Consult with your veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations tailored to your Lemon Beagle’s needs.

How to Groom a Lemon Beagle
  1. Lemon Beagles have short, dense coats that are relatively low-maintenance. Regular brushing with a soft-bristle brush helps remove loose hair and keeps their coat in good condition. 
  2. These dogs have massive, droopy ears that need constant cleaning with ear wipes or solution to prevent infections.
  3. Teeth brushing, at least twice a week and alternate with a dog mouthwash.
  4. Nail trimming with pet clippers should be a part of their grooming routine.

Compatibility with Families, Children, and Other Pets

Lemon Beagles generally adapt well to families and can be great companions for children. They have a friendly and sociable nature, but it’s important to supervise interactions between Lemon Beagles and young children to ensure gentle handling and prevent any accidental mishaps. Proper socialization from an early age can also help Lemon Beagles get along with other pets, including dogs and cats.

Health Concerns in Lemon Beagles

Like all Purebreds, Lemon Beagles are susceptible to various health issues. A study got into Beagles and the health problems they may face, citing congenital issues like glaucoma as being prevalent. 

  • Epilepsy: Beagles may be susceptible to epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. A study showed that Beagles with this condition showed significant brain differences like reduced gray matter volume.
  • Hip Dysplasia: This is a condition where the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to pain, lameness, and mobility issues.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): IVDD can occur in Beagles, particularly in their lower back, causing spinal disc degeneration and potentially leading to pain, weakness, or paralysis.
  • Cherry Eye: Beagles may be prone to cherry eye, a condition where the gland of the third eyelid protrudes, causing irritation, discomfort, and a pink bump in the eyes.
  • Hypothyroidism: This is a hormonal disorder where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone, resulting in various symptoms such as weight gain, lethargy, and skin problems.
  • Glaucoma: Beagles can be at an increased risk of developing glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye, leading to vision loss if left untreated.
  • Ear Infections: Beagles’ long, floppy ears can make them more susceptible to ear infections, as the ear canal can trap moisture and debris.
  • Allergies: Beagles may experience allergies, which can manifest as skin irritations, itching, and groin rashes, often caused by food, environmental factors, or parasites.
  • Distichiasis: This condition occurs when extra eyelashes grow on the inner eyelid, leading to eye irritation and discomfort.
  • Beagle Dwarfism: Beagles may be prone to a form of dwarfism called “chondrodysplasia,” which can result in shortened legs and other skeletal abnormalities.
  • Musladin-Lueke Syndrome (MLS): MLS is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissues in Beagles, leading to joint, skin, and respiratory problems.
  • Beagle Pain Syndrome: Also known as Steroid-Responsive Meningitis-Arteritis, this condition causes recurrent episodes of fever, neck pain, and stiffness in Beagles.
  • Obesity: Beagles have a tendency to gain weight, so it’s important to monitor their diet and provide regular exercise to prevent obesity-related health issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do lemon Beagles shed a lot? 

Lemon Beagles have a short and dense coat that sheds moderately. Regular brushing can help minimize shedding and keep their coat healthy.

Are lemon Beagles hypoallergenic? 

Lemon Beagles are not considered hypoallergenic. While they may shed less than some breeds, they still produce allergens and can trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. They do shed year round, so see our article on reducing shedding in dogs.

How much does a Lemon Beagle puppy for sale cost? 

The cost of a Lemon Beagle puppy can vary depending on factors such as breeder reputation, lineage, location, and demand. On average, they can range from $500 to $1500.

How to adopt a lemon Beagle? 

If you want to adopt or get a Lemon Beagle, you can start by checking local animal shelters, rescue organizations, or breed-specific rescues. Online adoption platforms and classified listings may also have Lemon Beagles available for adoption. We highly recommend contacting the Humane Society and other organizations about rescuing Beagles for laboratories.

How long do lemon Beagles live? 

On average, Lemon Beagles have a lifespan of 12 to 15 years. Providing proper care, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary check-ups, can contribute to their longevity.

Do Lemon Beagles bark a lot? 

Beagles, including Lemon Beagles, have a tendency to bark. However, the problem really isn’t how much they bark, but how loud they bark. Their bark is notoriously loud and can disturb neighbors. Proper training and socialization can help manage their barking tendencies and prevent excessive barking.

Final Thoughts 

Lemon Beagles are a unique variation of the Beagle breed, known for their distinctive lemon coloration. They have a moderate shedding coat and are not hypoallergenic. Lemon Beagle puppies can vary in price, and adopting one involves checking local shelters or rescue organizations. With proper care and training, Lemon Beagles can bring joy and companionship for their average lifespan of 12 to 15 years.

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.