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Dog Scooting Butt? The Itchy Truth Behind Your Pooch's Embarrassing Shuffle - PawSafe

Dog Scooting Butt? The Itchy Truth Behind Your Pooch’s Embarrassing Shuffle

Photo of Tamsin De La Harpe

Written by Tamsin De La Harpe

dog scooting butt

Dogs scooting their butt might give you a bit of a chuckle at first. This strange canine maneuver can grab any pet parent’s attention or embarrassment, depending on the context. It’s a fairly common sight in the dog world but one that can signal a variety of underlying health issues that shouldn’t be ignored.

Butt dragging might seem odd or humorous at first glance, but it usually has a reason behind it. Whether it’s a sign of something simple like an itchy rear or something more concerning such as impacted anal glands, worms, or allergies. Understanding the potential causes of this behavior can lead to quicker and more effective solutions. 

As a pet owner, it’s important to spot when a funny quirk might be a cry for help or a trip to the vet. This is where consultant experts like Dr. Craig Ruaux, BVSc and Dr. Milan Milovancev, DVM on rectoanal diseases come in as we help you navigate all issues with your dog’s rear end. 

Our article on why your dog’s anus is red and inflamed notes that these two symptoms typically occur with scooting and result from anal gland issues. Still, the possibilities are numerous, and you still need to know what’s normal and what’s not.

Key Takeaways

  • Dogs scoot their butts due to itchiness, discomfort, or underlying medical issues.
  • Identifying the cause is important to provide appropriate treatment.
  • Regular check-ups and grooming can help prevent some scooting causes.

Normal Behavior or Health Issue?

mixed breed collie dog scooting butt in wheat field

Normal dragging of the butt could be because there’s some fecal remains around that area or even a bit of itchiness, and is short-lived. Rear motions due to medical problems last longer and are accompanied by signs such as inflammation, redness, or a strong odor, 

So, if your dog is scooting more than a kid on a slippery floor, it might be time for a trip to the vet. Remember, your dog’s butt-dragging antics might just be their way of saying, ‘Hey, something’s not right back here!’

causes and remedies of dog scooting

11 Dog Scooting Causes

Hey there! If you’ve spotted your doggo friend dragging their rear on the carpet, you’re probably wondering what’s up with that. Let’s zero in on the usual culprits of such a peculiar doggie behavior.

1. Anal Gland Issues

Your dog’s behind has a pair of small glands called anal sacs or glands. These can fill up and become uncomfortable if they don’t empty properly. This can lead to your pooch doing the butt drag boogie in an attempt to relieve discomfort.

An easy clue that it’s anal gland disease is if they’re scooting and licking their hindquarters more than usual and even the presence of anal discharge. And don’t start on the fish smell! A survey by Alison Toetz and colleagues found that of  22,333 dogs, 1248 (5.6%) had this anal problem. So, hold on to your butt because anal sac issues are more common than you probably thought.

If you think the glands are the troublemakers, a vet visit for a new approach to an old problem may be in order.

2. Intestinal Parasites

Next up are the uninvited guests that can take up residency in your dog’s digestive tract. We’re talking about intestinal parasites, such as roundworms or tapeworms. These critters can cause itchiness around your dog’s rear end, leading to that all-too-familiar carpet scoot.

 If your dog is an expert butt scooter and you suspect worms, have a chat with your vet or check out more on parasites that can affect dogs. Our article on how to tell if a dog has worms will arm you with all the common signs of these unwelcome visitors. 

3. Constipation 

Constipation in dogs refers to a condition where there is difficulty or infrequency in passing stools. Common signs of constipation include straining during bowel movements, discomfort, reduced frequency of defecation, and sometimes even pulling the rear end.

Recent studies show that dietary changes like increasing fiber, rehydration, and medical alternativ-e-archives using laxatives help with this issue. Check out our article on home remedies for constipation in dogs if you suspect hard-to-pass poop is the culprit. 

4. Allergies

Just like you, dogs can have allergies, too. Whether it’s something they ate or something in their environment due to hay allergies, allergic reactions can cause their skin to become itchy. Yes, even around the bum.  Food allergies might be a piece of the puzzle if your dog is constantly scooting after mealtime. 

5. Skin Irritations Due to Infections or Grooming

This can also be a sign of potential skin irritation. It’s like when we get an annoying itch that won’t go away, but our canines can’t just grab a back scratcher.

Skin irritation in dogs can be triggered by all sorts of party crashers, like allergies, bug bites, or even some unfriendly fungi or bacteria. Also, did your scooting pup visit the groomer recently? Yep, that may be another cause for the dragging.

6. Fecal Residue

Sometimes, when the poop party is a bit too wild, some leftovers can stick around the back end and make your pup uncomfortable. It’s like having an annoying tag on your shirt that just won’t quit. 

7. Rectal Prolapse

In some cases, a portion of the rectum may protrude, causing discomfort and prompting sliding of the bum on the carpet. Rectal prolapse in canines is a serious condition that requires immediate veterinary attention.

So, if you notice anything protruding where it shouldn’t be, consider it a red alert and rush your canine to the vet. They’ll figure out the best script for this unexpected show and get your pup back to a comfortable, behind-the-scenes role. 

8. Digestive Issues 

Digestive problems, including diarrhea or constipation, can result in discomfort, and dogs may shuffle their bums as a response.

9. Vaginitis in Female Dogs

Female dogs can experience inflammation of the vaginal area, commonly known as vaginitis. Signs of vaginitis include increased licking of the genital area, discharge, and sometimes even moving their bums on the floor to relieve the discomfort. 

10. Tumors

In dogs, tumors can appear anywhere, and while some are harmless, others can be troublemakers. Signs of a potential tumor party include lumps or bumps that weren’t there before, changes in behavior, or unusual swelling. Now, not every lump spells disaster, but it’s crucial to have your pup’s personal vet detective check things out.

11. Rectal Problems or Injuries

A pesky little cut can have them reaching for the closest rug to relieve their discomfort. Rectal issues are not the most delightful dinner conversation, but for the sake of your buddy, you might need to take a peek or get a professional to take a look. 

Diagnosing the Bottom of the Problem

mixed breed dog scooting or dragging butt on ground

Your furball dragging their butt across the carpet might be funny to watch, but it could signify something’s up with their health. Let’s get to the bottom of this behavior.

Vet Visitation

Once you notice your dog is performing the bum-shuffle more than usual, it’s time for a trip to the vet. This could be your pooch’s way of telling you they’re uncomfortable.

Physical Examination

At the vet, expect a nose-to-tail inspection. The vet will likely check your doggie’s behind to see if those pesky anal sacs are full or infected. Think of it as a behind-the-scenes investigation, literally.

Diagnostic Tests

If the classic look-see doesn’t clear things up, your vet might suggest some tests. These could range from a fecal exam to rule out parasites to bloodwork to scope out other issues. It’s like detective work for dog health.

When Should I Be Worried About My Dog Scooting?

Pug dog dragging butt or scooting on wooden floor

Here’s the scoop on the scoot:

  • Frequency is Key: If your pup is doing this once in a blue moon, it might just be an itchy behind. But if they’re doing it frequently, it’s time to pay attention.
  • Check the Rear: If you see redness, swelling, or anything that looks like a tiny vampire took a snack from your dog’s behind (yes, we’re talking blood), don’t just sit there — this is vet-worthy.
  • Unpleasant Odors: A stinky situation back there could be a sign of anal sac disease.
  • Trouble with #2: If you notice your canine is having difficulties in the bathroom department, that’s a big red flag.

Remember, you know your dog best. If their scoots are more than just an occasional itch and your gut tells you something’s up, don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet. After all, nobody wants an unsolved mystery, especially when it comes to your pup’s derrière!

Treating the Scoot: What Is The Cure For This Behavior?

When your dog starts doing the booty scoot on your carpet, it’s not trying to imitate a break dancer. It’s probably dealing with discomfort down there. Let’s check out how to stop the butt-drag blues.

Expressing Anal Glands

If your pooch is sliding their butt, those anal glands might be packed tighter than a packed lunch. They’re supposed to express naturally, but sometimes they don’t get the memo. A vet or groomer can do the deed by giving them a gentle squeeze. If you’re game, there are DIY Remedies that help so your best bud can stop the belly-flop impersonation.


Sometimes, nature’s confetti (aka worms — ew!) are the butt-scoot bandits. Your vet might prescribe dewormers or other meds to evict those pesky parasites. Infections or allergies could also be the itch culprits, in which case antibiotics or antihistamines might join the party.

Dietary Changes

Your pup’s diet could be like that one friend who overstays their welcome, causing tummy and rear-end woes. More fiber could help your dog’s digestive dance, and there are some great grub options that can bring the situation from red alert to Zen garden.

Surgery for Severe Cases

Okay, nobody likes the word ‘surgery,’ but sometimes it’s the VIP pass to comfort-ville. For the hardcore cases where nothing else works, or if the glands keep bringing the drama, a vet might recommend they take a final bow through removal. It’s a last resort, but it could mean an end to the drag saga.

How Do I Know When My Dog’s Anal Glands Are Full?

Recognizing when your dog’s anal glands are full might be tricky, but a few telltale signs can spare you and your canine some discomfort. When these glands are not expressing naturally, you might notice your dog exhibiting some clear behavioral changes. Here’s what to sniff out:

  • Frequent Dragging of the Butt: This is your dog’s version of saying, “Hey, I’ve got an itch I can’t scratch!” When they’re dragging their rear on the ground, it’s time to check in.
  • Persistent Licking: If Fido has turned into a non-stop licking machine around his backend, he’s likely feeling some glandular grief.
  • Difficulty Defecating: If your dog seems to be having trouble during bowel movements or displays signs of pain or discomfort, it could be related to anal gland problems.

Besides these behaviors, physical symptoms can also arise:

  • Unpleasant Odor: A bit of a stinky situation back there can be a signal that those glands are saying hello.
  • Red or inflamed anus: This might indicate discomfort or infection, and if your dog’s anus is red or inflamed, that could be a sign to take a closer look at their anal gland health.

So, when you see your pooch’s behind bumping the carpet, remember it might be more than just a bad habit. It could potentially be a full gland alert! Time to schedule a vet visit for a proper check-up and potential expression of those pesky glands. Your doggo’s derrière will thank you!

Home Care and Prevention

If your dog can’t keep their bum off your floors, don’t worry, you’ve got this! With some simple steps, you can keep your pup’s rear-end happy and healthy.

Regular Grooming

Keep your dog’s bottom in tip-top shape by trimming the fur around it. This isn’t just for those “gram-worthy moments” but to prevent, um, “debris” from getting stuck. A clean bottom is a happy bottom!

Dietary Fiber

Peek into your dog’s bowl. Are they getting enough fiber? A diet with the right amount of fiber has been shown to help firm up your dog’s stools and reduce the urge to butt-shuffle. Think of fiber like a broom; it helps sweep everything along.

Here are some high-fiber foods to consider:

  • Psyllium husk;
  • Sweet potatoes;
  • Carrots;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Whole grains;
  • Green beans; and
  • Broccoli. 

Exercise and Weight Management

Keep your pooch active! Regular exercise helps prevent obesity, which can decrease the chance of butt-scooting occurrences. Daily activities include walking, fetching, doggie yoga (Yes, it’s a thing!), and swimming if they’re keen on it.

Regular Vet Checks

Last but oh-so-important: the vet. Regular check-ups can catch sneaky issues like worms or full anal glands — major culprits behind the behavior. Stay on top of those visits because guessing games are no fun when it comes to your dog’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Got a struggling pooch? Don’t worry, you’re not alone in this bottom-shuffling mystery. Let’s get to the bottom of it, so to speak.

Why is my dog sliding around on their rear end?

Your dog might be trying to scratch an annoying itch or deal with irritation. Common culprits include anal gland issues, pesky parasites, or maybe they just need a good clean-up after doing their business. This means they may have some poop or other object stuck in the fur on their rear end.

Do I need to take my pup to the vet every time they scoot?

Not for every single shuffle, but if it’s more of a recurring dance party or if there are signs of discomfort, it’s best to check in with your vet. Persistent butt sliding could lead to soreness or infection and even escalate to severe issues like anal abscesses.

My puppy seems to have an itchy behind — could this be some sort of allergy?

Absolutely, allergies can cause irritation and scooting. It might be something they ate or something in the environment that’s making their behind fussier than a cat at a dog parade.

What are some home remedies of dogs dragging butt on the floor?

First off, keep their behind clean. Gentle wipes might do the trick. Adding fibrous foods to their diet could also help make their number twos less clingy. You can also get up close and personal with their bum to ensure those anal glands aren’t full.

Their bum seems like it has a mind of its own even after the vet did some secret gland handshakes — now what?

If the usual treatments don’t help, your vet might suggest more sophisticated solutions or refer your doggie to a specialist. Sometimes, the booty bother is more serious than simple irritation.

When should I worry about dog scooting?

If the butt-scooting turns into an everyday event or if you notice redness, swelling, or wounds, it’s worry o’clock. Time to get that bottom to a vet to avoid any tail-end troubles.

Final Thoughts

So you’ve noticed your canine sliding their butt across the floor? Don’t panic! It might look like a new dance move, but it’s actually a common issue for dogs. First things first, check out their backside. Look for signs of redness or irritation and even a foul smell. 

Now, your pup’s diet could be the secret sauce to prevent the booty scoots. Make sure they’re getting the right nutrition and enough fiber. Tiny uninvited guests, like tapeworms, might make an appearance (pretty gross, right?). So, deworm, deworm. If none of these work, talk to the vet.

Remember, your doggo can’t just say, “Hey, something’s up with my rear end!” So, keep an eye out for the scoot. It could be their way of dropping hints that a vet visit is due.

Meet Your Experts

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Tamsin De La Harpe


Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.

Tamsin de la Harpe has nearly two decades of experience with dogs in rescue, training, and behavior modification with fearful and aggressive dogs. She has worked closely with veterinarians and various kennels, building up extensive medical knowledge and an understanding of canine health and physiology. She also spent two years in the animal sciences as a canine nutrition researcher, focusing on longevity and holistic healthcare for our four-legged companions. Tamsin currently keeps a busy homestead with an assortment of rescue dogs and three Bullmastiffs.